I am trying to insert some debug code in wipeout, and I checked the UBoot settings: Is has baudrate=115200, and so I hook up with my PC and start termite and set its baud rate to 115200. It neatly prints out statements like:
ListBrowserBase(HAS_NEWCOLUMNS): Test: 53.38 Has: 53.49 <- AVAILABLE
LayoutBase(HAS_NEWLAYOUT): Test: 53.0 Has: 53.19 <- AVAILABLE
Now, I have inserted a call in wipeout to IExec->DebugPrintF(..something..), but in termite all that comes out from this call is garbage.
What are the correct baudrate settings?? And are they at all connected to the Prefs:serial settings?? Because there I can only choose up to 31250... Mysterious! :-/
Edited by alfkil on 2011/12/20 14:57:39
Edited by alfkil on 2011/12/20 15:44:56