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Another listbrowser problem
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I have a number of nodes in my listbrowser. When they are sorted it changes the order of the nodes. I would like to refer back to the original order. For example node 0 might be 3rd in the list after they're sorted. If you select it and get the node index, it will say it's 2 (numbered from 0). Is there a way to get the original, unsorted index, which would be 0? I put the original index in the userdata field, and I think it will work. I'm wondering if there is an easier way.

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Re: Another listbrowser problem
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Could the node value be some kind of original order mode?
So then maybe sorting such list by its node value, will resort list to its original status.

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Re: Another listbrowser problem
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I'm not sure what you mean by "node value". You're probably talking about the node pointer, which is a memory pointer created when the node is allocated. As such, it doesn't necessarily need to be in ascending order. In any case, the userdata method is working fine. In fact, the program I'm working on, "Data Place" is complete and if I don't discover any problems I might be able to upload it to OS4 Depot within the next few days. It is a rudimentary Dbase III file viewer. I use it to store passwords and other personal information instead of writing it on pieces of paper.

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Re: Another listbrowser problem
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Yep node pointer, just though such pointers would be sort of ascending order (although not just by +1, but sort of).

Ok. waiting to dl/try such util. Will sources be included?

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