freddix wrote:
Hi and thank you for your answer.
But actually,
Amiga OS 4 Own Radeon Warp3D Drivers ?
Does MiniGL own Radeon drivers under AmigaOS4 ?
MiniGL uses Warp3D for rendering.
Are these some tutorials and samples for MiniGL on AmigaOS 4?
I have a few
examples on my
website. However, some of them require MiniGL 2.0 and updated header files (it's coming). MiniGL 2.0 beta was included with Amiga OS 4.1. If you have Amiga OS 4.0, download MiniGL 1.5. You should actually be able to use GLUT examples from elsewhere simply by adding -DMINIGL to the compile parameters (this requirement has been removed in MiniGL 2.0).
If you need any more help, please let me know. I'd be happy to write more templates/examples if they help.