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Python interpreter interface
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I am working on a Gui4CLI interface to Python interpreter (shell).
It does the following
- Instead of testing from the shell new scriptlines you have in mind (or writing a script and then running it) , you enter them via e Gui4Cli textin gadget, which triggers their execution in the shell, but also adds the line to a listview that you can save and load later;
- when loading an existing script you can trigger the execution of each 'next' line with one buttonclick

It uses "stringins" and "wtf" both on OS4depot and Notepad (but this can be easily changed)

and more
Anyone interested in giving feedback?

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Re: Python interpreter interface
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Not entirely sure how waht you are describing works, but I would give a try out for you when you have something ready to test.

BTW you do know you can get an interactive "python shell" by just typing 'python' in the shell. Then you can enter commands as you go and test the results etc.

Example: (colouring is added by the amigans code tag)

New Shell process 9
:> python
Python 2.5.5 
(r255:1.2Mar 27 201021:00:30
GCC 4.2.4 (adtools build 20090118)] on ppc-amiga
"help""copyright""credits" or "license" for more information.
import os
>>> os.mkdir("ram:foo")
>>> print 

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Re: Python interpreter interface
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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From the gui described, i do use the interactive python shell.
I create a Newshell named 'python' then make that window active with 'wtf' and finally with 'stringins' i first send 'python\n' to it, which starts the interactive session. Then from the gui new sciptlines are sent on mouseclick
import os
import time
either new ones you create or the lines from a working or semiworking script

If i want to go through some part of the script again (knowing what you do,) you can go through these lines again.

And in fact in other parts of the gui i do launch python scripts on P libs info and present them in a LV. This part is just started, not nice yet, but it shows jow you can "embed" those scripts and get working 'python applications' with easy to create gui

I'll clean a bit up and make it available.

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Re: Python interpreter interface
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Re: Python interpreter interface
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Anyone interested in giving feedback?
GUI? I need an IDE like Python 'IDLE'. I recentlly finished my first Pygame and biggest headache was keeping the indentions in conformity. IDLE has nice edit/formatting routines.

What in the heck does --"wtf"--mean, or wtf does wtf mean?!

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Re: Python interpreter interface
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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"wtf"stands for "Window to front" (It's on OS4depot.net ). wtf do you think? I don't use these words.
I'm not yet on your level of expertise and ambitions for an IDE;
For playing with first P scripts, i found P_libsDoc.gc a big progress from the bare interactive interpreter.

I was inspired from what i remembered from the basic interpreter on my first computer: the PET Commodore with 32k RAM

It should be noted that you could use this interface for writing and testing other interpreted languages (DOS, Rebol3 still lacking RebolView, interactive math packages).

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