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Help me make a tutorial on compiling shared objects!
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I've been away for a while as you all know...

And since i left some things have changed/I never really learnt how to properly compile shared objects.
I know that extra care has to be taken when compiling shared objects, but i don't know how to do it.

Could someone here walk me through compiling a lib?

Preferably this lib, as this is what i need:

I will then make a guide out of it and include it in my porting for dummies guide, for all to benefit from!


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Re: Help me make a tutorial on compiling shared objects!
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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I will then make a guide out of it and include it in my porting for dummies guide, for all to benefit from!

I think this kind of information should be on the AmigaOS Documentation Wiki including your "porting guide".

ExecSG Team Lead
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Re: Help me make a tutorial on compiling shared objects!
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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When compiling a .so on AmigaOS the deplib_check_method and link_all_deplibs settings need to be changed in the configured generated libtool to pass_all and yes respectively:

# Method to check whether dependent libraries are shared objects.

# Whether libtool must link a program against all its dependency libraries.

I also like to set need_version and version_type so that an API version number is appended to the name of the .so file:

# Do we need a version for libraries?

# Library versioning type.

If the configure script generates a really weird libtool that tries to create some kind of .ixlibrary file instead of a .so file then I usually just copy in a working libtool from another project instead.

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Re: Help me make a tutorial on compiling shared objects!
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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so i edit the configure script before configuring or how do you set these?

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Re: Help me make a tutorial on compiling shared objects!
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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ssolie, yea, it might be a good idea, but as it is now it is a combination of scripts and an amigaguide. amigaguides can be converted to html with a tool, but the scripts and the installer is harder.. but yes, it holds a lot of info for the non-programmer to port apps.

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Re: Help me make a tutorial on compiling shared objects!
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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spotUP: generally speaking, when building a shared object, the library should be compiled with -fPIC (position independent code) option, and linked with -shared switch.

Later on, when you link the .so with your app, you use -use-dynld switch.


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Re: Help me make a tutorial on compiling shared objects!
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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Further to what salass00 said, you can also set env-vars rather than editing the libtool script.

I just use this, and it seems to work fine:
setenv SAVE lt_cv_deplibs_check_method pass_all

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Re: Help me make a tutorial on compiling shared objects!
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Chris, wow, that's an elegant solution, and it works?

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Re: Help me make a tutorial on compiling shared objects!
Amigans Defender
Amigans Defender

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Yes, it does. You'll probably want to set the versioning type as well though, and I'm not sure if there's an env-var for that.

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