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HOWTO: Install core fonts on OS4.x
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Just thought i'd write a little how-to for anyone wondering what the "core fonts" are and how to install them on OS4.x (since OWB now defaults to them).

The core fonts are the standard fonts you get with Windows. Things like Arial, Verdana, Impact, etc. A lot of websites assume you have these fonts.

Anyway, heres how to get them installed on OS4.x:

* Go to this page.

* Download the following files:


* Load each file in UnArc, and extract all the ".TTF" files to a temporary directory. You don't need the other files, just the TTF ones.

* Run "TypeManager". It can be found the system directory of your boot partition.

* In the destination directory, use the cycle gadget to select your FONTS directory.

* In the source directory, use the popup button and select the directory you extracted all the TTF files to.

* Hit "Select All", then "Install".

And now you should have all the core fonts on your system.

OWB uses them by default, but for IBrowse you have to create a profile for each core font.

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Re: HOWTO: Install core fonts on OS4.x
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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OWB uses them by default, but for IBrowse you have to create a profile for each core font.

IBrowse has it's own font set up instructions Here

Before you can configure the specific settings, you need to ensure everything is correctly installed. The first part of this process is to download all of the *.afm files from the Adobe Inc. FTP directories:


After downloading the files, they need to be renamed exactly as follows:

com_____.afm as courier.afm
cob_____.afm as courier-bold.afm
coo_____.afm as courier-oblique.afm
cobo____.afm as courier-boldoblique.afm
hv______.afm as helvetica.afm
hvb_____.afm as helvetica-bold.afm
hvo_____.afm as helvetica-oblique.afm
hvbo____.afm as helvetica-boldoblique.afm
tir_____.afm as times-roman.afm
tib_____.afm as times-bold.afm
tii_____.afm as times-italic.afm
tibi____.afm as times-bolditalic.afm

Once the files have been renamed, they need to be moved to a suitable directory, e.g. SYS:Fonts/PostScript, then IBrowse? needs to be configured to use this directory. To do this, first load IBrowse? and open the settings using Menus ? Preferences ? Settings.... Once the window has opened, go to the Preferences ? HTML ? Fonts section, and click on the For PostScript printing tab. In the AFM (metrics) files section, use the file requester gadget to the right to browse to the directory you chose above, or type directly into the string gadget.

The next stage is to open Menus ? Windows ? Print Manager and configure it as follows:

Printmode: PostScript
Destination: Custom
String Gadget: PS:

The rest of the options in the Print Manager can be left as they are, or configured to your requirements.

Peter Swallow

Eyetech A1XE-G3 800Mhz OS4.1
Towered A1200 OS3.9
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Re: HOWTO: Install core fonts on OS4.x
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Thats actually slightly different.

I was talking about configuring HTML->Fonts in IBrowse prefs for display. For example to add Arial:

* Select the Preferences->Settings menu option

* Expand the HTML section

* Highlight fonts

* Click add font style, and name it "Arial"

* Expand the new entry to reveal the font sizes

* For each font size select a corresponding Arial font & size combination. For example:

1 (smallest) = Arial/11
2 = Arial/12
3 (normal) = Arial/14
4 = Arial/16
5 = Arial/20
6 = Arial/22
7 (largest) = Arial/24

* Repeat for each core font

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Re: HOWTO: Install core fonts on OS4.x
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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just a question, after installing the core font how can i set owb to use them or to not use them ?

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Re: HOWTO: Install core fonts on OS4.x
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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OWB 2.18 should just use them.

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Re: HOWTO: Install core fonts on OS4.x
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Just thought i'd write a little how-to for anyone wondering what the "core fonts" are and how to install them on OS4.x (since OWB now defaults to them).
There is one already
"2.5 Installing fonts (Optional)" in http://www.amigans.net/modules/AMS/article.php?storyid=24

* Run "TypeManager". It can be found the system directory of your boot partition.

* In the destination directory, use the cycle gadget to select your FONTS directory.

* In the source directory, use the popup button and select the directory you extracted all the TTF files to.

* Hit "Select All", then "Install".

And now you should have all the core fonts on your system.
That's not enough! You have to set the families correctly in the 3rd tab in TypeManager. Or use the .font and .otag files from my corefonts.lha instead of creating them yourself, they have the font families set correctly for the freely available core fonts from sourceforge.net. For testing the core fonts run OWB in a shell, go to http://strohmayer.org/corefonts.html and check that there are no font related problems reported by OWB.

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Re: HOWTO: Install core fonts on OS4.x
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

See User information
Fair enough. Shows what I know

Edit: Out of interest, where is this third tab in typemanager where you can set families? I can't see anything to do with families...

Edit: Found it :)

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Re: HOWTO: Install core fonts on OS4.x
Home away from home
Home away from home

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thanks..works great with 3.19

c64-dual sids, A1000, A1200-060@50, A4000-CSMKIII
Catweasel MK4+= Amazing
! My Master Miggies-Amiga1000 & AmigaONE X1000 !

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