Sorry for the long silence. I think you're right, it's time for some news
The reason for the silence is, that I have recompiled the Cygnix package completely. Cygnix will be renamed to "AmiCygnix", because on Windows exists a similar system with the same name.
This is new:
* Compiled with newlib instead of clib2. The performance is better and the binaries are smaller now.
*The Unix paths are removed now. No USR:, ETC: ... is needed anymore. This will avoid collisions with
other Unix ports and with the SDK.
* Environment variables must be located in "ENVARC:Cygnix" now. This is also done to remove collisions.
This also means, that old software will not run on the new Cygnix anymore. Maybe I include a "compatibility
Here are some new programs, which are nearly finished:
To make the Gnome-Office package more complete, I've compiled the spreadsheet Gnumeric 1.63. Here is
a screenshot:
I don't know, if this is interresting for someone, but these programs are also compiled. Would be nice, if you can
give me some feedback:
* Bluefish. A nice editor with syntax highlighting and online help for programmers. Easier to understand than VIM:
* Pidgin 2.2.0. The latest version of the chat software.
* Pioneers 0.11.3. A "sedlers of catan" clone with internet support:
* gmysqlcc 0.2.6. A mysql admin tool with
MySQL 5.0.58 support. Also the commandline client are available.
* xpdf 3.02 - the original PDF viewer.
* Xaos 3.1.2 - a fractal renderer.
* and some more...
I'm think it will need some more months for a new release of Cygnix. A report in the Amiga-Future magazine said,
that there will be a Update 4 available soon, but this is not true.
As said above, the next version will be a release called "AmiCygnix" and will (hopefully) contain
an enhanced X server (If I can make it, it will be version X11R7.3, but I'm not sure,
if I can make it).