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Always goes to UBoot prefs
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I am really using my AmigaONE a lot at the moment. Been away for a while, but now I am back... Unplugged the mac and all...

Something strange, though.

Ever since the final update my AmigaOne goes directly to the uboot prefs (Not in Workbench) when I turn it on. Then I have to exit and only then does it starts to load OS4.

Why? And how do I stop it?

MicroA1 - 800Mhz G3, 512MB
A1200 - 50Mhz 030, 16MB
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Re: Always goes to UBoot prefs
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Have you checked your user-startup script, or WBstartup drawer?

Peter Swallow

Eyetech A1XE-G3 800Mhz OS4.1
Towered A1200 OS3.9
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Re: Always goes to UBoot prefs
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I don't think it's a workbench issue.

The Uboot comes up a few seconds after I turn on the machine.

It's not when Workbench is up and running. I am talking about the Uboot prefs that look like ms-dos...

MicroA1 - 800Mhz G3, 512MB
A1200 - 50Mhz 030, 16MB
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Re: Always goes to UBoot prefs
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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At the UBoot prefs press Esc and select "enter UBoot shell". At the shell prompt enter printenv. Press cursor-down quickly to stop the scrolling list. Check if there is a variable called menuboot_delay and if it is set to 0.

If it is 0, enter setenv menuboot_delay 3 or any other number of seconds. Then enter saveenv and reset.

Now you should see a progress bar which allows you to enter the UBoot prefs by a key press. When the delay is over, it should boot without entering the menu.


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Re: Always goes to UBoot prefs
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Thanks, I will try that!

MicroA1 - 800Mhz G3, 512MB
A1200 - 50Mhz 030, 16MB
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Re: Always goes to UBoot prefs
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Succes!!! Thanks, Thomas!

Now, I have 20 seconds delay before OS4 boot unless I press enter. Can I lower that as well?

MicroA1 - 800Mhz G3, 512MB
A1200 - 50Mhz 030, 16MB
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Re: Always goes to UBoot prefs
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Skov wrote:

Succes!!! Thanks, Thomas!

Now, I have 20 seconds delay before OS4 boot unless I press enter. Can I lower that as well?

I assume you didn't set the menuboot_delay variable to 20.

There is another "delay" variable, but I don't remember the exact name.

You might want to run the nvgetvar command in a shell (once you're booted, of course) and redirect its output to a file, then post the contents here.

nvgetvar with no argument lists all your defined UBoot variables with their values.

It might be easier to help if wee see the whole set.

Best regards,


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Re: Always goes to UBoot prefs
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I guess the easiest thing to do is to start the UBoot prefs program from Workbench (Prefs/UBoot) and change the "Boota" value to your liking (under the "Boot" tab).
The value can also be changed if you enter the UBoot menu during startup, but I don't remember the exact location right now.

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Re: Always goes to UBoot prefs
Just popping in
Just popping in

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No, I didn't...

Everything is fine with Uboot now. I have a three seconds chance to enter the menu if I want.

Then it goes to a screen, where I can choose OS4. It counts down from 20 and then boots. I can just press enter and it boots right away.

Before the final update I could also choose OS4 - debug and one or two others. Now, I only have OS4, so it should be possible to bypass this selection.

I will post the thing you asked for tomorrow. I have a day off, so there will be plenty of time for the Amiga!

MicroA1 - 800Mhz G3, 512MB
A1200 - 50Mhz 030, 16MB
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Re: Always goes to UBoot prefs
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Right, that would be the bootdelay which is apparently set to 20 in your UBoot. You can just do a "setenv bootdelay 1" followed by a "saveenv" at the UBoot prompt, or you can mess about with prefs or menus if you prefer.

I guess you could also set it to 0 so you don't see the bootmenu at all, but I'd suggest keeping it at 1, as it is much easier if some day you should get the idea of creating another Kickstart configuration.

Mine is set to 3 (as is my menuboot_delay). But then I do have 8 choices in my bootmenu ...

Best regards,


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Re: Always goes to UBoot prefs
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Tak, Niels!

MicroA1 - 800Mhz G3, 512MB
A1200 - 50Mhz 030, 16MB
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