Both GoFetch and OWB has Arexx ports. I intend to do this:
When you click on a file link, OWB will send the url link to GoFetch and GoFetch will start download automatically.
Just like IE + GetRight on Windows...
Just because OWB has an ARexx port, that doesn't mean that it has an ARexx command to send the url link to another program or script. Unless there are some undocumented OWB ARexx commands, I don't think you can do what you have described. If OWB had a Tooltype to set which clipboard unit the context (popup) menu copies the URL link to, you could set a program or script to wait for a change in that unit and call a program like GoFetch or IBrowse to download the file. A lot of sites are using scripted downloads instead of HTML links so even that method will fail.
Until OWB has user MIME settings and the ability to call external programs to handle those MIMEs, an external D/L manager will only be minimally useful. .