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SimpleSub v1.1 released on OS4Depot: bugs, suggestions here
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Like the title says, please post your feedback on SimpleSub here.
Bug reports and suggestions for improvements are always welcome.

I'll start with one bug report I already received form a user:
When you 'Encode' a video, SimpleSub tries to use the KCON: console. If not found a requester will be displayed. Clicking Ok, allows the program to continue and it defaults to using CON:

By the way, videos of SimpleSub in action can be found HERE!
Ok, let me have it!

Edited by ktadd on 2010/9/9 6:37:25
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Re: SimpleSub bugs, suggestions or other comments here
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Amazing!! And very good learning video!

Great app! where is the donate button?!

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Re: SimpleSub bugs, suggestions or other comments here
Supreme Council
Supreme Council

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If you want a bugtracker for it on os4depot then just let me know.

Vacca foeda. Sum, ergo edo

Mr Bobo Cornwater
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Re: SimpleSub bugs, suggestions or other comments here
Home away from home
Home away from home

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That's very good, just quick and very little note, there is an error in about window

MPyer instead of MPlayer


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Re: SimpleSub bugs, suggestions or other comments here
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I like the look of this program. Will have to add to my site when I get home this evening.

This is exactly the kind of app I'd like to see more of!

I have also suggested elsewhere, and this is probably right up your street.

An OS4 application that allows you to specify youtube (or equivalent) urls and organise them into a javascript controlled gallery. Application would grab the first frame of all clips selected and present on the screen.

Basically replicating this application:


I have this installed on my Mac and found it to be incredibly useful. Just another ever popular 'social networking' app like SimpleSub.

Having SimpleSub and SimpleGallery or whatever you would call it would be a great combination to have. :)


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Re: SimpleSub bugs, suggestions or other comments here
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Only good stuff from you ;) Just dl later I will test SimpleSub.

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Re: SimpleSub bugs, suggestions or other comments here
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Amigo1 wrote:

Amazing!! And very good learning video!
Great app! where is the donate button?!

You just pressed it when you posted this message. :)

Seriously, I really don't need more money so if you like the applications I write, or not, just send an email or post a message and let me know. It's thanks enough just knowing that people use and enjoy the programs I create. I write them because I enjoy it and they accomplish something I want to be able to do on the Amiga that I couldn't do before. or at least couldn't do a easily. I then publish them hoping that others will find them useful and maybe enjoy them as well.

If I ever find myself in need of money then maybe I'll setup a dontaion scheeme. Until then just enjoy and give me feedback. That will be payment enough.

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Re: SimpleSub bugs, suggestions or other comments here
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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orgin wrote:
If you want a bugtracker for it on os4depot then just let me know.

Thanks orgin, I'll keep this in mind. As a software quality engineer I really try to make sure my software is as bug free as possible before releasing it. Of course I don't always succeed but so far the number of bug reports I get are small enough that I can easily manage them through email or the forums. It that changes and I see the need I'll definatly take you up on your offer.

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Re: SimpleSub bugs, suggestions or other comments here
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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djrikki wrote:
I like the look of this program. Will have to add to my site when I get home this evening. This is exactly the kind of app I'd like to see more of!

Hey Thanks!

I have also suggested elsewhere, and this is probably right up your street. An OS4 application that allows you to specify youtube (or equivalent) urls and organise them into a javascript controlled gallery.

I had a look and indeed it looks like an intresting application. I don't think I'll pursue it though as I'm not sure I would use it. Have you seen the pathetic state of my website? :) Unless I get motivated to develop it for some reason you'll have to look elsewhere. Sorry.

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Re: SimpleSub bugs, suggestions or other comments here
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Very nice, works well and easy to use as well. Good to see new and very useful video tools for OS4, thanks.

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Re: SimpleSub bugs, suggestions or other comments here
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Just looked at the video. Looks very good.

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Re: SimpleSub bugs, suggestions or other comments here
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Works good. Even using .srt files with movies. All GUI/apps you made i tried are very usefull and makes it easier for us amigans to not have to fire up another platform just to do the easy stuff.

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Re: SimpleSub bugs, suggestions or other comments here
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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So far only the "KCON: on encode" and "MPlayer misspelled" bugs reported. I'll do a bug fixed release tongiht so make sure you've reported any bugs if you've found any.

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Re: SimpleSub bugs, suggestions or other comments here
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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New SimpleSub v1.1 available on OS4Depot.
This version adds the ability to set a maximum subtitle width and setting the subtitle background tranparency level. You can now create subtitles which appear in a rectangle. Video of new features found HERE!

Version 1.1
Added ability to set the maximum subtitle width as % of video width.
Added ability to set transparency (alpha) level of subtitle background.
Reduced "Test Mode" time from 20 seconds to 15 secinds.
Bug fix: changed to use CON: instead of KCON: to execute command.

Edited by ktadd on 2010/9/9 7:59:00
Edited by ktadd on 2010/9/9 8:02:53
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Re: SimpleSub bugs, suggestions or other comments here
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Thanks :)

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Re: SimpleSub bugs, suggestions or other comments here
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Is it possible to change the Y-position of the subtitle bar?

Ah nvm, I just watched your video. :)

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Re: SimpleSub bugs, suggestions or other comments here
Just popping in
Just popping in

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This would be a job for the video encoder or player I would guess.

Best Regards,


[SOLD] ?A1-C, 512MB, Antec Aria
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Re: SimpleSub bugs, suggestions or other comments here
Just popping in
Just popping in

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Not a bug report but rather a suggestion..

Great app btw, nice looking. Nice to see ReAction used rather
than MUI. ReAction (OS4 theme) is soooo much nicer looking
than any MUI theme I have seen. IMHO of course.

Back to the suggestion(s)..
Could you put the HINTS and TEST MODE checkboxes is a
separate tab maybe called MISC SETTINGS?
They look a little out of place as they are now IMHO.

Also the Frame step button, rename it to FrSt, FSt or ideally
FStep so its not confused with FullScreen.. Which was my first
guess when I saw the GUI in one of the videos.

Is it possible to get multiple lines with the TITLE TEST?
I mean like if you write a line and press enter it automagically
adds a new line with both visable? Or even a third if needed.

Again great app..

Btw is possible to add other subtitle formats to your editor?

Best Regards,


[SOLD] ?A1-C, 512MB, Antec Aria
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Re: SimpleSub bugs, suggestions or other comments here
Just popping in
Just popping in

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I just thought of something.. Is it at all possible to have
the preview video inside the editor window rather than a
separate window? Maybe in an own tab? When preview
or play is pressed the app could jump to the tab by itself.

Maybe too much work or limitations of ReAction?

Best Regards,


[SOLD] ?A1-C, 512MB, Antec Aria
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Re: SimpleSub bugs, suggestions or other comments here
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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samwel wrote:
Not a bug report but rather a suggestion..

Whew! :)
Thanks for the suggestions.

Great app btw, nice looking. Nice to see ReAction used rather
than MUI. ReAction (OS4 theme) is soooo much nicer looking
than any MUI theme I have seen. IMHO of course.

Glad you like it.

Back to the suggestion(s)..
Could you put the HINTS and TEST MODE checkboxes is a
separate tab maybe called MISC SETTINGS?
They look a little out of place as they are now IMHO.

Well, the HINTS one I'm not so unhappy with as I guess I'm used to it from ffmpegGUI. Besides. I want it to be easily accessable to turn on and off not matter what tab it active. I agree with you on the TEST MODE checkbox. I tried differnt locations and really didn't find anything I like. Again, I don't want it hidden in a tab because I want it visible with the Encode gadget. I could just see someone encoding, not realizing it's selected and trying to figure out why only part of the video is being encoded. I'll have to give this one some more thought.

Also the Frame step button, rename it to FrSt, FSt or ideally
FStep so its not confused with FullScreen.. Which was my first
guess when I saw the GUI in one of the videos.

Agreed! I had that thought as well but for some reason couldn't think of anything better to call it. I like your suggestion of FStep and have made the change in the code already. Will be in the next release. Might now be for a while though. I need to take a bit of a break.

Is it possible to get multiple lines with the TITLE TEST?
I mean like if you write a line and press enter it automagically
adds a new line with both visable? Or even a third if needed.

Yes, you can seperate the text with the bar '|' character and that will cause a newline in the title text. (ie. This a line|this is another line|and another.)
You can have as many as you want. It's described in the gadget hint for the "Text Entry" gadget. I forgot to show that capability in the first videos but I included it in the new V1.1 features video I just posted.

Again great app..


Btw is possible to add other subtitle formats to your editor?

Import and Export of formats that MPlayer supports is next on the "todo" list. Did you have a particular format in mind? No promises when though.

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