Not that I know of, but I had a similar problem converting pdf's for my kindle. After hunting through aminet and os4depot I found a couple of programs that let me do it:
http://os4depot.net/download.php?file ... ext/convert/pdftohtml.lhahtml2txt:
http://uk.aminet.net/text/hyper/html2txt.lhatogether with a little amiblitz program I wrote:
http://www.am1ga.net/Left$I then wrote the following dos script to convert pdf to html:
.bra {
.ket }
.key filename
set title `left$ "{filename}" -4` ; removes the .pdf extension
if exists "${title}.txt"
echo "File already converted."
echo "Converting to html."
pdftohtml -q "{filename}"
echo "converting to txt."
html2txt "${title}s.html" "${title}.txt" >nil:
;clean up the files created by pdftohtml and set
delete "${title}.html" "${title}s.html" "${title}_ind.html" quiet
unset title
echo "Done."
not very elegent and the conversion is a bit dodgy with some pdf's but it does the job.