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Sample editor, removal of clicks in vinyl recordings
Just can't stay away
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Does anyone know a tool I can use under OS4 to manually edit out clicks in samples I have recorded from a vinyl album?

I use AudioEvolution4 for recording, and its sample editor for splitting up the samples into single tracks. All fine.

When zooming in in the sample editor, I can clearly see the clicks I'm hearing, they are obvious as single lines protruding from the rest of the waveform. What I'm lacking is a way to e.g. mouse-drag such a click line down into the area where can't be heard over the "real" wave.

I believe I have seen this sort of feature in a program years ago, but I don't remember if it was an Amiga program at all, or what its name was.

Best regards,


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Re: Sample editor, removal of clicks in vinyl recordings
Home away from home
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SoundFX can do that, both manually as you describe and it also has some filters that can be of some effect too.

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Re: Sample editor, removal of clicks in vinyl recordings
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Ah, good, thanks.

I had tried fiddling about with the demo, but I didn't see how to do it. I'll have to study it closer.

Do you know if it can still be registered?

Best regards,


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Re: Sample editor, removal of clicks in vinyl recordings
Home away from home
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No idea, I registered mine ages ago.

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Re: Sample editor, removal of clicks in vinyl recordings
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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SoundFX can still be registered, but you don't need to. It has gone "public" some months ago, just scan the AmigaFuture website to grab a free key file.

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Re: Sample editor, removal of clicks in vinyl recordings
Just can't stay away
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cha05e90 wrote:
SoundFX can still be registered, but you don't need to. It has gone "public" some months ago, just scan the AmigaFuture website to grab a free key file.
Ah, thanks for the hint. Got it (actually it was not just the keyfile, but the full free version, it seems) and will see if I can work out how to do what I need.

Best regards,


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Re: Sample editor, removal of clicks in vinyl recordings
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Check if HD-Rec has something similar. I know it has deeser, some other stuff like denoise etc. However there is an plugin called vinyl. It adds what you want to remove :p

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Re: Sample editor, removal of clicks in vinyl recordings
Just can't stay away
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nbache wrote:

Got it (actually it was not just the keyfile, but the full free version, it seems) and will see if I can work out how to do what I need.
Oh well, so far no luck. It seems there was no keyfile in the package, and even though it said it was the full version, it said it was unregistered when I started it after installation and reboot. It also seems quite system-unfriendly, at least on my X1000; a few attempts to set reasonable GUI settings (e.g. a non-microscopic font for my 2560×1600 screen) led to a 100% CPU-loop.

My previous attempts were on my A1 where I had an old demo installation which I haven't really used before. It didn't actually crash there, but I really need it on the X1000.

Not sure I have the patience for this. Might get back for another try later.

I did try to search AmigaFuture for the keyfile, BTW, but without success, even when logged in.

Best regards,


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Re: Sample editor, removal of clicks in vinyl recordings
Just can't stay away
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Kicko wrote:
Check if HD-Rec has something similar. I know it has deeser, some other stuff like denoise etc. However there is an plugin called vinyl. It adds what you want to remove :p
Okay, thanks, I'll have a look. Although I really want a "manual" solution, not a filter kind of thing. There are just a few specific clicks which are easily found, and I want to simply wipe out those single peaks without altering the rest of the sample.

Was hoping I wouldn't have to resort to Linux (or worse) for this ...

Best regards,


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Re: Sample editor, removal of clicks in vinyl recordings
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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The keyfile should be there somewhere. I remember it was named something like "12345.amigafuture" and must be renamed to "sfx.key". It then should be copied to the root of the sfx directory. I don't know whether it was a single archive or not and buried somewhere in the main SFX package.

Nevertheless, SFX runs just nicely here on my X1000 without any problem. Of course you have to adjust the settings (fonts, resolution, AHI instead of Paula etc.).

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Re: Sample editor, removal of clicks in vinyl recordings
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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cha05e90 wrote:
The keyfile should be there somewhere. I remember it was named something like "12345.amigafuture" and must be renamed to "sfx.key". It then should be copied to the root of the sfx directory. I don't know whether it was a single archive or not and buried somewhere in the main SFX package.
Aha, so that's what that strange executable was which did nothing at all . Yep, that was it. I now don't get the "unregistered" message. Thanks, I'll have another go at getting it set up then.

Nevertheless, SFX runs just nicely here on my X1000 without any problem.
Good to know.

Of course you have to adjust the settings (fonts, resolution, AHI instead of Paula etc.).
Yeah, that's only to be expected. I'll see how it goes.

Best regards,


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Re: Sample editor, removal of clicks in vinyl recordings
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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What's the method for installing SoundFX? I downloaded the archive from Amgia Future's site, and within that I find an 020 directory and within that an archive with an English isntaller. I run that, but it gives an error (line 1768 I think) before finishing.

Probably I'm doing this wrong. :)

EDIT: Third time through the manual install and with some advice on IRC I have SoundFX installed on my X1000.

I am still having a problem, though.... I get a DSI error and the machine locks up each time I hit the record button.

SFX is using my sound card and level meters show the level for the source. But hit the record button and... BOOM.

Edited by mbrantley on 2013/1/14 5:07:22
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Re: Sample editor, removal of clicks in vinyl recordings
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I use "AmiSoundEd" from Os4Depot. It's native OS4 and easy to use. For simple jobs like editing out clicks, I really don't need all the bells and whistles of SoundFX. Give it a try.

Amiga X1000 with 2GB memory & OS 4.1FE + Radeon HD 5450

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Re: Sample editor, removal of clicks in vinyl recordings
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Anybody using SoundFX with a SoundBlaster Live card? I dug up this old thread on AW on which user complains of emu10k.crash when attempting to record with SoundFX. Maybe that's my problem.

http://amigaworld.net/modules/newbb/v ... _id=21894&forum=32#351406

I've been thinking of upgrading to a better sound card, so this might push me closer to that decision if the SB is my problem here.

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Re: Sample editor, removal of clicks in vinyl recordings
Just can't stay away
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mbrantley wrote:
Anybody using SoundFX with a SoundBlaster Live card? I dug up this old thread on AW on which user complains of emu10k.crash when attempting to record with SoundFX. Maybe that's my problem.

I'm using it with an SB can't remember what model though but I have recorded with it. I've recorded preview ringtones from the itunes app on my itouch saved as mp3 and copied to my phone

One thing to watch out for with soundfx is it crashes when loading some mp3 files. I've set up an alias in shell to convert them to aiff using mpega. Just cut and paste this into a shell...

echo >>s:shell-startup alias ripmp3 mpega -s -A -T [] -o ram:Converted_mp3.AIFF

Amiga user since 1985
AOS4, A-EON, IBrowse & Alinea Betatester

Ps. I hate the new amigans website. <shudder>
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Re: Sample editor, removal of clicks in vinyl recordings
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Of course you have to adjust the settings (fonts, resolution, AHI instead of Paula etc.).
Yeah, that's only to be expected. I'll see how it goes.
It did go better this time, and I did get some of the settings changed. But as soon as I hit the chooser for Player in order to change from Paula to AHI, the program goes into a 100% CPU loop. No serial output, no crash, and no activity in Snoopy (default settings).

It has to be said, though, that this is on my beta system, I should really try the same when booted into the release version. Will check that ASAP.

Best regards,


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Re: Sample editor, removal of clicks in vinyl recordings
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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xenic wrote:
I use "AmiSoundEd" from Os4Depot. It's native OS4 and easy to use. For simple jobs like editing out clicks, I really don't need all the bells and whistles of SoundFX. Give it a try.
Yeah, I did check that out, and I like it. It's a lot like SampleManager in its user interface and concept, but even simpler.

But I didn't see any way to manually edit the waveform. If I click on a point in the wave, it always seems to think I want to select it as a (small) range.

Am I missing something?

Best regards,


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Re: Sample editor, removal of clicks in vinyl recordings
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Ditto. Or maybe the custom volume changer can do without too many retries?

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Re: Sample editor, removal of clicks in vinyl recordings
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Yeah, that's only to be expected. I'll see how it goes.

It did go better this time, and I did get some of the settings changed. But as soon as I hit the chooser for Player in order to change from Paula to AHI, the program goes into a 100% CPU loop. No serial output, no crash, and no activity in Snoopy (default settings).

Look in ENVARC:sfx.cfg it's just a plain text file so you can edit it without the grumpyness of SFX getting in the way.

Here's my working X1000 cfg file:

Resized Image

Just save the image and use dicpng from os4depot to extract it:

dicpng in 2zq65hg.png out sfx.cfg

It's easy to attach files in forums if you know how

Amiga user since 1985
AOS4, A-EON, IBrowse & Alinea Betatester

Ps. I hate the new amigans website. <shudder>
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Re: Sample editor, removal of clicks in vinyl recordings
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Ah, great, thanks!

I did check the cfg file earlier, but wasn't sure how to specify the AHI player.

BTW, for anyone else trying this, remember to check the audio mode in AHI prefs (bottom left info-box) and convert it to decimal before entering it into this file. Yours may or may not be the same as Severin's (mine wasn't, but I was prepared for that).

Neat trick with the PNG file, BTW. Worked a treat.

Best regards,


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