Google has sensed "unusual " traffic from my computer after a search with Odyssey It presents me with a captcha that is not visible (a broken image icon appears) to be able to prove i am not a robot. I' m stuck there and i can't use google search anymore.
It seems that i can still use google search with Ibrowse though. (searches are much more rapid here anyaway) Still i did notice that in Browse you can add a searc engin. I tried to add yahoo but did not succeed. How can you do this?
Is it possible to do the same for Odyssey? (or just replace google with yahoo?)
If there was "unusual traffic", it might not be your computer, but another computer trying to access your Google Account. I would check your Google Security...
Try deleting Google Cookies in Odyssey, maybe Google will then work.
Google searching is built-in to Odyssey (along with Aminet, MorphZone, etc). Yes, you can add more search engines (pretty easy with a little technical knowledge).
After rebooting the problem has gone. One thing i do and which google does not like too much is getting my gmail into yam. I still suspect the "unusual" came from me.with an ill constructed complex search command.
@JosDuchIt You can add a Yahoo search option by editing Odyssey/Conf/searchengine.prefs but you need to be careful.
1. Backup your current searchengine.prefs file in case something goes wrong. 2. Open searchengine.prefs in a text editor that doesn't strip non-print data. 3. Copy one of the existing search command lines. 4. Paste the copied line at the bottom of the search commands. 5. Be sure not to delete or change the blank space between the name and the URL. 6. That blank space is actually a non-printable character that must be there. 7. Edit the name to Yahoo without changing the blank trailing space. 8. Edit the URL to "http: //" (without the quotes) and save the file. 9. The URL should be entered all on one line. I had to seperate it into 2 lines so it would not be abbreviated by the forum code. 9. If Odyssey is running, quit and restart it. 10. You should see the Yahoo option when you click on the radio gadget in the upper right corner of the Odyssey window.
Amiga X1000 with 2GB memory & OS 4.1FE + Radeon HD 5450
I have tried to follow the instruction , but when i try to enter a yahoo site i get an SSL connect error. Now i just did notice the recommendation to setenv AmiSSL/SSL_CLIENT_VERSION to tls1 I tried again & following your instructions, yahoo is now added & operational as search engine
Thanks for the suggestion I don't seem to have a conf/ drawer in my install though After saving the settings as suggested by Severin i noticed that the changes were reflected in Browse.prefs.
Thanks for the suggestion I don't seem to have a conf/ drawer in my install though
If that's true, something is wrong with your install because that's where all the Odyssey prefs are stored. There is no drawer icon for the Conf directory, so if you were looking for it in Workbench you won't see it if you have the Workbench menu "Windows/Show/Only icons" checked. You should see it in a file manager like Dopus4 or if you open a shell and enter something like "list Work:Odyssey" (using the actual location of the Odyssey directory on your system).
Amiga X1000 with 2GB memory & OS 4.1FE + Radeon HD 5450
No one seems to have mentioned the fact that Odssey has a prefs window for search engines. Right click at the top of Odssey's window, cursor down the menu to windows then cursor across to "search engines", you will be able to add, remove and of course edit them. Also there is a short cut which can be used to force your search engine of choice in the URL bar, for instance " a dogs " without quotes, will provide you with all that Aminet knows about dogs.