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Does aTunes supposed to grab Album Cover Art?
Not too shy to talk
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Just purchased zTools and tinkering with aTunes.

I don't have tons of ripped music yet on my X5K but did make a few rips of Christmas albums.

I have aTunes getting the music from my main music directory.

Should the album cover art be showing? Or do I have to old school download a .JPG on the internet and attach it to each song on that album?

I just see grey square as cover art now.

Would be nice if it could fetch cover art from the net.


* is there a readme that tells me how to get cover art to show? For the heck of it I grabbed a .JPG of an album cover and using the TAG editor I can select it and it shows in the cover art area.... but the APPLY button does not highlight. So I clicked around and after playing a bit the Apply button highlighted so I clicked apply... but the song still does not show the cover art.

** also, some durations for songs appear way off in the main aTunes window. 16 minutes for a few when they are only like 3 minutes.

Edited by AmigaSociety on 2017/12/7 19:19:24
Edited by AmigaSociety on 2017/12/7 19:25:10
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Re: Does aTunes supposed to grab Album Cover Art?
Not too shy to talk
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In the edit section:

1.- Select the song or songs (you can apply the cover to all the songs of the album, at the same time).

2.- Load the cover

3.- Press the arrow at the right side of the cover.

4.- Check that you have selected songs.

5.- Now click over the "apply" button.

That's all

I hope that the next version, already includes the automatic search for covers on the internet.


AmigaOne X5000 OS4.1 FEU1 And Lubuntu 10.04
1200 towered with Blizzard PPC - BVision and Mediator
And a new fantastic Chameleon64
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Re: Does aTunes supposed to grab Album Cover Art?
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Thanks, that worked.... after adding a couple cover arts to two albums, I quit the aTunes and relaunched it...

Now I get an error and all the songs are missing. hmmm.

Error is SQL error: database disk image is malformed during load database.

Any recovery from that or do I need to start from scratch?


** Update... I just went ahead and trashed the .db and made a new one.

Edited by AmigaSociety on 2017/12/7 23:50:02
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