IMDB is bad for lookup, as it has no API and you have to parse the website(s), which change from time to time.
Better would be TMDB for movies, this has an API that can be used freely (if your app is free).
Another possibility would be to use one of the already available media scraping tools.
I, for example, am using
Ember Media Manager for managing my media collection (for Emby Server, can be used for Kodi and other too).
You can also add offline (disc based) movies to this, instead of a movie file (*.avi, *.mp4, *.mkv, etc) you have to create a *.disc file.
With this tool you can collect all Information for movie and series from different Websites, also include trailers.
Then you can export a list (AFAIR they can be self defined), maybe it has even an web Interface to access the collection.
Maybe someone could create an Amiga Interface to browse a Kodi compatible collection (or does something like this already exist)?!
Ciao, Alfred