I get different behaviour between:
1 - Choosing Shutdown->Restart Computer
2 - Cntrl+LAmiga+RAmiga.
1 works okay,
but 2 will just restart with a black screen and no output. Here is the relevant part of the serial log with debuglevel 20 (no debug kernel):
LAW0: F_E0000000 Size 10000 Tgt eLBC (0x81F0000F)
LAW1: F_E1000000 Size 1000 Tgt eLBC (0x81F0000B)
LAW2: F_F4000000 Size 200000 Tgt Buffer manager (0x81800014)
LAW3: F_F4200000 Size 200000 Tgt Queue manager (0x83C00014)
LAW4: F_00000000 Size 2000000 Tgt DCSR (0x81D00018)
LAW5: C_00000000 Size 20000000 Tgt PCI Express 1 (0x8000001C)
LAW6: F_F8000000 Size 10000 Tgt PCI Express 1 (0x8000000F)
LAW7: C_20000000 Size 20000000 Tgt PCI Express 2 (0x8010001C)
LAW8: F_F8010000 Size 10000 Tgt PCI Express 2 (0x8010000F)
LAW31: 0_00000000 Size 0 Tgt Memory complex 1 (0x8100001F)
msr: 0x00003030
TLB1 (64 entries):
* [ 52]: size=7 tid = 0 TS = 1 epn=0xFE000000 rpn=0x0000000F_FE000000 WIMG=0x5
XXWWRR=0xF protected
* [ 53]: size=6 tid = 0 TS = 1 epn=0x01000000 rpn=0x00000000_01000000 WIMG=0x0
XXWWRR=0x5 protected
* [ 54]: size=6 tid = 0 TS = 1 epn=0x01400000 rpn=0x00000000_01400000 WIMG=0x0
XXWWRR=0x5 protected
* [ 55]: size=6 tid = 0 TS = 1 epn=0x01800000 rpn=0x00000000_01800000 WIMG=0x0
XXWWRR=0x33 protected
* [ 56]: size=6 tid = 0 TS = 1 epn=0x01C00000 rpn=0x00000000_01C00000 WIMG=0x0
XXWWRR=0x33 protected
* [ 57]: size=6 tid = 0 TS = 1 epn=0x02000000 rpn=0x00000000_02000000 WIMG=0x0
XXWWRR=0xF protected
* [ 58]: size=4 tid = 0 TS = 1 epn=0x02400000 rpn=0x00000000_02400000 WIMG=0x0
XXWWRR=0xF protected
* [ 59]: size=3 tid = 0 TS = 1 epn=0x02440000 rpn=0x00000000_02440000 WIMG=0x0
XXWWRR=0xF protected
* [ 60]: size=3 tid = 0 TS = 1 epn=0x02450000 rpn=0x00000000_02450000 WIMG=0x0
XXWWRR=0xF protected
* [ 61]: size=7 tid = 0 TS = 0 epn=0xFE000000 rpn=0x0000000F_FE000000 WIMG=0x5
XXWWRR=0xF protected
* [ 62]: size=A tid = 0 TS = 0 epn=0x00000000 rpn=0x00000000_00000000 WIMG=0x0
XXWWRR=0x3F protected
* [ 63]: size=A tid = 0 TS = 0 epn=0x40000000 rpn=0x00000000_40000000 WIMG=0x0
XXWWRR=0x3F protected
HAL_MaxTLB = 51, HAL_NextTLB = 0
MMUCFG = 0x064809C4
mas0 = 0x103F0000
mas1 = 0xC0000A00
mas2 = 0x40000000
mas3 = 0x4000003F
mas4 = 0x00000100
mas5 = 0x00000000
mas6 = 0x00000001
mas7 = 0x00000000
mas8 = 0x00000000
RadeonRX (2): Identified the chipset as: POLARIS11
RadeonRX (2): Graphics card name is: Radeon RX Polaris11
RadeonRX (2): If - and only if - your card does not work or does not work
please submit a bug report at:
Remember to include the driver version, and the following card details:
0x67FF:0x1DA2:0xE348: <name of board>
and *please* describe the problems you are seeing in detail.
[EHCI] *usbbase=FE210100
[EHCI] *usbbase=FE211100
graphics.library P50XX optimizations enabled
RadeonRX (0): RadeonRX.chip 2.8 (19.8.2021)
RadeonRX (2): Identified the chipset as: POLARIS11
RadeonRX (2): Graphics card name is: Radeon RX Polaris11
RadeonRX (2): If - and only if - your card does not work or does not work
please submit a bug report at:
Remember to include the driver version, and the following card details:
0x67FF:0x1DA2:0xE348: <name of board>
and *please* describe the problems you are seeing in detail.
RadeonRX (0): KCQ enable failed (scratch(0xC040)=0xCAFEDEAD)
RadeonRX (0): hw_init of IP block <gfx_v8_0> failed -22
graphics.library cannot configure your graphics board!
Either your board is not supported or there's a configuration problem.
Did you install PCIGraphics.kmod?
Did you install PCIGraphics.kmod?
I have no such thing in my SYS:kickstart/
My kicklayout:
; $VER: Kicklayout-AmigaOneX5000 53.10 (24.10.2016)
; Kernel configuration for the AmigaOne X5000 from A-EON Technology Ltd
; This file describes how the "Kickstart" image should look like,
; i.e. it describes which modules should be pre-loaded and available
; at boot time.
; Format:
; ~~~~~~
; The file lists one or more configurations.
; Each configuration starts with the LABEL keyword, followed by the
; name of the configuration. The name can be used to specify the
; configuration in the bootloader tool (see Documentation/kernel/
; bootloader.txt). Note that empty lines end one configuration and
; start the next, which means that you must be careful not to leave
; an empty line anywhere unless you are defining multiple configurations.
; Each configuration must have exactly one line with the EXEC keyword.
; This specifies the filename of the main kernel to use. This kernel is
; the absolute minimum required to boot. It contains, among other things,
; exec.library.
; The following lines define additional modules to be loaded into the
; kickstart image. Each of these lines starts with the MODULE keyword
; followed by the filename of the module.
; Configuration name
LABEL AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition
EXEC Kickstart/loader
;MODULE Kickstart/kernel.debug
MODULE Kickstart/kernel
MODULE Kickstart/FastFileSystem
MODULE Kickstart/CDFileSystem
MODULE Kickstart/NGFileSystem
MODULE Kickstart/battclock.resource.kmod
MODULE Kickstart/bootmenu.kmod
MODULE Kickstart/bootimage
MODULE Kickstart/bootsd.resource.kmod
MODULE Kickstart/con-handler.kmod
MODULE Kickstart/console.device.kmod
MODULE Kickstart/dos.library.kmod
MODULE Kickstart/diskboot.kmod
MODULE Kickstart/diskboot.config
MODULE Kickstart/elf.library.kmod
MODULE Kickstart/env-handler.kmod
MODULE Kickstart/FileSystem.resource.kmod
MODULE Kickstart/gadtools.library.kmod
MODULE Kickstart/hunk.library.kmod
MODULE Kickstart/input.device.kmod
MODULE Kickstart/intuition.library.kmod
MODULE Kickstart/keyboard.device.kmod
MODULE Kickstart/keymap.library.kmod
MODULE Kickstart/mounter.library
MODULE Kickstart/newlib.library.kmod
MODULE Kickstart/nonvolatile.library.kmod
MODULE Kickstart/petunia.library.kmod
MODULE Kickstart/ram-handler.kmod
MODULE Kickstart/ramdrive.device.kmod
MODULE Kickstart/ramlib.kmod
MODULE Kickstart/shell.kmod
MODULE Kickstart/strap.kmod
MODULE Kickstart/timer.device.kmod
MODULE Kickstart/graphics.library.kmod
MODULE Kickstart/PCIGraphics.card
MODULE Kickstart/RadeonHD.chip
MODULE Kickstart/RadeonRX.chip
MODULE Kickstart/ATIRadeon.chip
MODULE Kickstart/3DLabsPermedia2.chip
MODULE Kickstart/3dfxVoodoo.chip
MODULE Kickstart/p50x0sata.device.kmod
MODULE Kickstart/sii3112ide.device.kmod
MODULE Kickstart/sii3114ide.device.kmod
MODULE Kickstart/sii3512ide.device.kmod
MODULE Kickstart/sii0680ide.device.kmod
MODULE Kickstart/lsi53c8xx.device.kmod
MODULE Kickstart/it8212ide.device.kmod
MODULE Kickstart/usbresource.library
MODULE Kickstart/usbsys.device
MODULE Kickstart/bootmouse.usbfd
MODULE Kickstart/bootkeyboard.usbfd
MODULE Kickstart/hub.usbfd
MODULE Kickstart/massstorage.usbfd
MODULE Kickstart/uhci.usbhcd
MODULE Kickstart/ohci.usbhcd
MODULE Kickstart/ehci.usbhcd
MODULE Kickstart/xena.resource.kmod
My SYS:Storage/Monitors:
-rwx------ 1 root wheel 6560 2014-10-08 18:06 Radeon HD 5450
-rw------- 1 root wheel 9828 2022-04-17 20:04 Radeon HD 5450.info
-rwx------ 1 root wheel 6560 2014-10-08 18:38 RTG
-rw------- 1 root wheel 9559 2014-10-08 18:38 RTG.info
-rwx------ 1 root wheel 6560 2014-10-08 18:06 VooDoo
-rw------- 1 root wheel 9819 2022-04-17 20:04 VooDoo.info
The "Radeon HD 5450" Icon Information:
BOARDTYPE=Radeon HD 5450
I never changed the name of this icon. Actually, I am running a 560 RX Polaris 11.
I also have "AmigaKeyRemapper" running to swap functionality of L and R Amiga keys.