Looking at the SDK and their descriptions it looks like the (only?) way to get the kernel debug level and set it is to use exec/debug/GetDebugLevel(), check it and then - in the case that I want to set it to something, run DOS's RunCommand() as if i had typed:
KDEBUG debuglevel X
It seems odd that there is a function to get the debug level but not set it without pretending to run a command.
As for KDEBUG, I would have expected
KDEBUG status
To provide the values for fields, but it does nothing. I am not sure the description for "status" is as good as it could be.
There was a command to run to get all of your UBOOT env variables; that, or there was a screen in some GUI tool, but I forget where that is.
I also managed to make KDEBUG crash when performing the following:
KDEBUG debuglevel
Edited by rjd324 on 2022/12/14 7:25:30