"Steganographie" is the *art* of hiding files in a file (Image, Wav,...) using "bits copy".
On a French website, I found this software called Steganographie which include StegaIn, StegaOut, StegaTools...
The author (DLink) allowed me to "port" it to AmigaOS4 So I took the sources, modified a few things (especially the on-screen messages from French to English and compiled it using gcc on AOS4... The results is
this 3.72MB file...
I have part of the documentation translated into English (thanks elwood) and I'm hoping to have the final translation by this weekend by which time I will upload it to OS4Depot... But you can already play with it and let me know what you think.
-- This is not an SDL Port but a "native port".
-- All sources are included (original and mofified).