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SimpleMail Configuration
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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Hi All,

I'm currently using SimpleMail to read my GoogleMail and Yahoo Emails...

How do I configure it to also check my Hotmail Account ? What extras software might I need ?



Defender of my A1XE-G4 / AOS4 Final Update !
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Re: SimpleMail Configuration
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I have one account of mail configured with YAM and I want
to add at least three more accounts with YAM or Simplemail.
My account is of Telefonica.net and the three I want to add
are from mixmail.com.
Need help as AmiGame in this not easy for me task.

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Re: SimpleMail Configuration
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

See User information

I'm currently using SimpleMail to read my GoogleMail and Yahoo Emails...

How do I configure it to also check my Hotmail Account ? What extras software might I need ?



I've just registered/set up a googlemail account, just to try out simplemail.
It looked to me as if I had to log in to googles mail web site rather than being able to set up a pop3 config in simplemail.
So if you have time, I would be interested in how you set up google mail in Simplemail.

Peter Swallow

Eyetech A1XE-G3 800Mhz OS4.1
Towered A1200 OS3.9
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Re: SimpleMail Configuration
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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To set-up Googlemail (options I choose though some might not be "absolute")...

1. Go to the config window and select Accounts on the left.

Then from the top left of the right panel to the bottom right...

2. In account Name, type your goolemail account like myname@googlemail.com

3. Complete the Name, EmailAddress, Reply Address.

4. Type: POP3

5. server: pop.googlemail.com

6. Port: 995

7. Login: your Googlemail Login like myname@googlemail.com

8. You password in the password field.

9. Ask not selected

10. Active Selected

11. Avoid duplicates selected

12. Secure selected

13. APOP: Try

14: Delete mails: selected

15. with STLS: selected

16. smtp server: smtp.googlemail.com

17. Port: 587

18. Login: Type your Email again like myname@googlemail.com

19. Password... Just guess how to fill that one !

20. Use SMTP AUTH Selected

21. Secure: selected

22. Log into POP3 Server first: unselected

23. Use IP as domain: UNselected.

Hope this helps...

And don't forget you need AMISSL installed (don't remember if it's version 1 or version 3...)


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Re: SimpleMail Configuration
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

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With SimpleMail, you just follow the same steps as above to set-up multiple accounts... Like Yahoo and Googlemail (and others)... For Hotmail, I seem to remember someone mentioning it was different and you needed an extra software installed... But my memory might be faulty !


Defender of my A1XE-G4 / AOS4 Final Update !
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Re: SimpleMail Configuration
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

See User information
Is this valid with my three ya.com/mixmail.com accounts?
I need to know this before attempting to do the configuration?
And,does this steps applies too to the YAM configuration?

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