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Joined: 2008/4/30 5:49 Last Login
: 2018/5/14 6:18
From UK
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I have been asking for software for Amiga that is similar, but records all user events that can be 'played' by other users.
A lot of games have this to show how to play a game, unfortunately it is next to impossible to record other application events.
This is a fantastic opportunity to create user manuals, demos, tutorials etc and should be available for Amiga.
New users come to Amiga using WinUAE and Amikit, but dont now what all the software does !
Recording user actions would be much smaller than AVI, and also introduce automation for repetitive tasks.
If someone does have the talent to create such software, im sure recording to AVI wont be a problem.
WinUAE saves as AVI