Severin wrote:
I've no idea how the gui or ffmpeg works but creating a new settings file with those video resolutions crashes the gui.
Ok, I took a look and it's as I expected. Since the resolution you were intrested in is not supported in the Video Size dropdown you must have edited the settings file and unfortunatly run into a defect I discovered but forgot to fix. I'll fix it in a future turn...someday. :|
The last lines in the setting file cannot be empty lines. If they are the program will crash when tring to read the settings file. The other problem with editing the file is that if you try to use settings not supported by the chooser then they will be set to the last item and give you an error message. Bottom line it it's best not to edit the settings files directly. Here is the recommended way to use your own custom settings:
I've designed the interface so if the default setting is used there is no commnad issued to ffmpeg. This allow you to override the settings using the "Enter additional commands" field. For all items in the GUI I've included the ffmpeg option in the hint text so you can easily see the command option. (Note that some of the check boxes don't have a hint due to a bug in the development system. Try looking at the hint in the gadget next to them.) Anyway, by looking at the hint you can get the command so just leave the particular setting at it's default and enter the option command and settings in the "additional commands" area.
So, to set a custome size like you want to do:
Leave the "Size" setting at "No Change" then enter
-s 320x160 into the additional options area and press enter.
Once you have all the settings to your liking just save the settings and you can recall them anytime without problems.
The documentation explains this in the first part of the "usage" section but it's not spelled out as clear as I did here. I don't like writing documentation any more that you guy like reading it. :)
The bottom line is there should be no reason to edit the settings files manually as everything you can do by editing the file can be done through the GUI interface.
Hope this helps.