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Joined: 2007/3/25 15:50 Last Login
: 2010/7/28 0:20
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I just recieved my 800MHz SAM440 flex system, and I am quite thrilled to explore the new features of the OS. I am however a bit stuck on getting my screenmodes sorted out. I have a 24" BenQ G24 HD monitor, and a Radeon 9250 card installed. I was hoping to achieve a 1920x1080 resoulution, but it I cannot get the right settings (the picture is not usable by a long shot). I have temporarily ended on a 1080x720 resolution, but it looks a bit funny (like not sharp, and pixels seem a bit "big") and want to get 1920x1080 working. Does anyone have some tips or does there exist some kind of guide on this?
Many thanks, Eirik