I wanted to test this "old" software to change the size of some icons. But When I tried to resize (with scale function), I had the error : "WBRun not found, please execute before loadwb" Sometimes I had the message "error 20".
I possess a Sam Flex. I have the last version 1.19.
Any new version or new software.
Since a lot of months without an amiga to love, I was lost. Now I feel happiness again with a Sam Flex 800 .
I wanted to test this "old" software to change the size of some icons. But When I tried to resize (with scale function), I had the error : "WBRun not found, please execute before loadwb" Sometimes I had the message "error 20".
I possess a Sam Flex. I have the last version 1.19.
Any new version or new software.
The latest version on OS4Depot is v1.9, not 1.19.
I had v1.20 installed, and have just downloaded v1.9. All I had to do was to install pngalpha.library, and everything seems to run ok. PNG_icon_editor even told me I had not got pngalpha.library installed.
I tried scaling one of the sample 46x46 icons to 92x92, and it worked fine, added a glow and that worked fin.
@mr2 edit: imho just some kind of bad installation. For me all of this works. You can try to use snoopdos, to see where programms tryes to find the libs (libs: or progdir:)
@all Still i think that Hyperion should include png module in their default distrib. Or , if there is some "copyright" problem, write new one. Because aos4 use png icons all the time, but, not have default handler in the os for png icons today are strange and unlogical (imho).
PNG icons are NOT the default on OS4.1! OS4-Icons are default on OS4.1. 97% of my system has proper OS4-Icons (some old OS3.5 remained) and same very rare apps have/had PNG-Icons (Cubic, SimpleCat).
Not default but used all the time and everythere in many apps/progs/games and alt. Saying at this point what is "default" and what is not, make no sense, because users offten have problems with it. If users have problems with it all the time (that is not only about that topic, you can found more by search, and all related "why png icons not works for me", "cant run that and that because of png alpha blabla" ), then need to make it more user friendly and include handler by default to the OS. You dont agree with that ?
All in all i say that png icons use too often, and not png icons are default in the OS, but handler for png icons must be by default in the OS, just becase png icons today are always. Users not want any boring with. They just want install it fresh, download any game/app, and it works.
@kas1e As cha05e90 pointed out, the OS4 icons are not PNG. Very few apps use them any more and they can easily be converted to standard OS4 icons anyway. You can easily convert a PNG image to OS4 format by loading it in Multiview and saving the image. I purchased ImageFX 4.5 studio and the re-released book and it will load and save PNG images. However, it makes more sense to me to save them in OS4 IFF format. I have used ImageFX 4.5 to resize and touchup a lot of old OS4 icons to the new standard size (64 x 64).
As cha05e90 pointed out, the OS4 icons are not PNG
I know. And still, many programms, games and alt use PNG icons and png module/library at all.
Very few apps use them
You say that in serious way ? If so, then you just not tryes all latest games/apps which was released.
and they can easily be converted to standard OS4 icons anyway
Brrr... For what ? Do you like to do that jerky-routine work ?:) I am not (and many other users too of course).
My point is: in reality, today, many programms (games, system apps, does not matter what) use PNG icons. More of it: some programms use that png/alpha lib/module (hollywood, png icon editor, some clock programm and many others, not "few").
So, for make users happy, and not bring for them any problems with all of this will be cool to include png handlers (i mean handlers) by default (i mean include by default to OS only handlers, not make png icons as default) for the OS.
Check pm about your smart "period" words. Looks like you just not understand what i write. For me (and for users)does not matter what standart and what is not. But i really in unterest answer to you on your smart-1,2,3-period manner.
Right, my given version number was wrong. Say to us the way to obtain the 1.20.
Strange story I have to tell.
I reseted my computer and PNG Icon worked now. The only thing I did was to launch before snoopy once.
That reminds me in times far far away from today, on my A4000, I used to not start workbench to gain memory. I had a program that could not be used if I didn't launch before snoopdos.
Today it is the same except I can use now the program without starting snooppy everytime. Strange behaviour for me. If you have some hints, drop a line so I will be more intelligent befor my death.
@all The question about the standard. I agree that the possibility of using png icon should be a standard but if it is not planned, that doesn't bother me because I have a solution (pngicon module).
For ages, the solutions for your problems on amiga are founded in aminet, os4depot, third party software, i.e. the amiga community.
Thanks for your interest in my problem
Since a lot of months without an amiga to love, I was lost. Now I feel happiness again with a Sam Flex 800 .