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: 9/21 18:49
From Spain
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I have a problem on Amiga Os 4.1 Update 3.When I run an emulator my system runs out of memory and the Workbench gives this message:
There are unsolvable problems with the UHCI controller
Reset controller Stop controller
All of this on a dialog window and this have happened many times to me since I installed Update 3 last monday 5.Additionally the Workbench freezes often a lot and I expected better things for Update 3 but this things give me crazy.
I hope that Hyperion can fix it nearly and that this things are minor bugs of a great team who works on a great OS. Can you point out to what's the solution?
If someone can help me I will be grateful.
Amiga 500 1MB Chip RAM with ACA 500+ACA1232,CD32,Amiga 1300 030/50 Mhz,32MB (now on my hands at least)and Amiga One G3 XE PPC 800 Mhz,ATI Radeon 9250 128 MB,256 MB RAM,Seagate 200 GB HD,2 working DVD drives,X-Arcade double for MAME,Sil0680,4 USB ports,LG