My guess is that you were low on video memory so couldn't create the required double buffered environment. That's quite a large screen, so if you have any other apps open (especialy on other screens) you might start to get a bit tight.
A lot depnds on how much you have cusomised your workbench etc, how much textures and imagery.
Blender can be made to open with a smaller window by editing it startup script (the icon launches a script called blender thactaual executable is call 'bldyn')
and adding
-p <x> <y> <width> <height>
to the command line eg
changetaskpri -1
;bldyn -MM50041102
;bldyn -MM50041102 specify a screen mode
;bldyn -M requester for screen mode
;bldyn -MN<screenname> named screen
;bldyn -G specify graphics lib DrawPixels
bldyn -p 0 0 1024 1024
The lines in comments are examples for other ways to start belender up.
bldyn --help
for more info or chaek out