I use Cubic. Works fine for me. Some inital configuration is necessary, but once it's done, I found I like it.
Remember I got a note with it that aided the installation process. You should copy the CD contents to yoiur harddrive:
http://amigaworld.net/modules/newbb/v ... p?topic_id=28289&forum=32.
Have tried CodeBench on occasions, but the inital setup for compiling a simle project has always bored me. I don't understand the need to manually add all files individually, and having a separate header directory. What I'd really like to do is just to open a file, and by a key press make an existing makefile. Although I absolutely love the effort, and all the nifty features with SVN and community-thingie.
So, if you're beginning a new project, I'd consider CodeBench.