from Tuxedo over at
****************** RESULTS ****************
NOTE: I put these topic result on top of the orignal thread (below)to make it easier to find and compare results. (to read the topic main body plz scroll down)
DNTEC (higher better)
42,445,595 nodes/sec ---> MacDualG5(MOS3.9 G5@2.7GHz)
35,555,096 nodes/sec ---> PowerBook5.6(MOS3.9 G4@1667MHz)
33,753,320 nodes/sec ---> PowerMac3.1(MOS3.9 G4@1600MHz/Radeon9800)
24,282,846 nodes/sec ---> Pegasos2(AOS4.1FEu1 G4@1131/Radeon9000pro)
23,157,919 nodes/sec ---> NON AltiVec ---> MacDualG5(MOS3.9 G5@2.7GHz)
22,245,376 nodes/sec ---> AmigaOne X5000/40 (AO4.1FEBETA P5040@2.2GHz)
16,853,928 nodes/sec ---> NON AltiVec ---> PowerBook5.6(MOS3.9 G4@1667MHz)
11,616,256 nodes/sec ---> NON AltiVec ---> Pegasos2(AOS4.1FEu1 G4@1131/Radeon9000pro)
8,647,111 nodes/sec ---> Amithlon(AOS3.9 Intel Core2Duo@4.0 Ghz)
5,218,781 nodes/sec ---> Sam440ep(AOS4.x AMCC440@667MHz)
5,569,086 nodes/sec ---> WinUAE(AOS4.x Intel i5 3570k)
4,785,134 nodes/sec ---> WinUAE(AOS3.x Intel E8500@3 Ghz)
2,629,582 nodes/sec ---> WinUAE(AOS4.1FEu1 Corei3-5005U@2.0GHz/IntelHD5500)
19,947,454 keys/sec ---> MacDualG5(MOS3.9 G5@2.7GHz)
17,340,324 keys/sec ---> PowerBook5.6(MOS3.9 G4@1667MHz)
16,692,156 keys/sec ---> PowerMac3.1(MOS3.9 G4@1600MHz/Radeon9800)
12,010,461 keys/sec ---> Pegasos2(AOS4.1FEu1 G4@1131/Radeon9000pro)
6,492,355 keys/sec ---> NON AltiVec ---> MacDualG5(MOS3.9 G5@2.7GHz)
6,395,272 keys/sec ---> NON AltiVec ---> PowerBook5.6(MOS3.9 G4@1667MHz)
6,182,771 keys/sec ---> AmigaOne X5000/40 (AO4.1FEBETA P5040@2.2GHz)
6,130,651 keys/sec ---> Amithlon(AOS3.9 Intel Core2Duo@4.0 Ghz)
5,457,530 keys/sec ---> WinUAE(AOS3.x Intel E8500@3 Ghz)
4,785,523 keys/sec ---> WinUAE(AOS4.x Intel i5 3570k)
4,438,031 keys/sec ---> NON AltiVec ---> Pegasos2(AOS4.1FEu1 G4@1131/Radeon9000pro)
2,193,253 keys/sec ---> WinUAE(AOS4.1FEu1 Corei3-5005U@2.0GHz/IntelHD5500)
1,689,142 keys/sec ---> Sam440ep(AOS4.x AMCC440@667MHz)
AFinch 68k (lower better)
2.040 ---> Amithlon(AOS3.9 Intel Core2Duo@4.0 Ghz)
3.360 ---> WinUAE(AOS3.x Intel E8500@3 Ghz)
6.240 ----> MacDualG5(MOS3.9 G5@2.7GHz)
9.640 ---> PowerMac3.1(MOS3.9 G4@1600MHz/Radeon9800)
13.740 ---> Pegasos2(MOS3.9 G4@1131/Radeon9000pro)
13.780 ---> Pegasos2(AOS4.1FEu1 G4@1131/Radeon9000pro)
AfinchWOS (lower better)
1.380 ---> MacDualG5(MOS3.9 G5@2.7GHz)
4.660 ---> Pegasos2(MOS3.9 G4@1131/Radeon9000pro)
4.680 ---> Pegasos2(AOS4.1FEu1 G4@1131/Radeon9000pro)
5.600 ---> WinUAE(AOS4.x Intel i5 3570k)
8.000 ---> Sam440ep(AOS4.x AMCC440@667MHz)
AFlops68k (higher better) (Arithmetic Average on MFLOPS() values)
280.3623 ---> Amithlon(AOS3.9 Intel Core2Duo@4.0 Ghz)
191,6126 ---> WinUAE(AOS3.x Intel E8500@3 Ghz)
126.9868 --> MacDaulG5(MOS3.9 G5@2.7GHz)
82,3220 ---> PowerMac3.1(MOS3.9 G4@1600MHz/Radeon9800)
3.171 ---> Pegasos2(MOS3.9 G4@1131/Radeon9000pro)
0,9642 ---> Pegasos2(AOS4.1FEu1 G4@1131/Radeon9000pro)
AFlopsWOS(higher better)(Arithmetic Average on MFLOPS() values)
957.9619 ---> MacDualG5(MOS3.9 G5@2.7GHz)
279.8695 ---> Pegasos2(MOS3.9 G4@1131/Radeon9000pro)
274.1507 ---> Pegasos2(AOS4.1FEu1 G4@1131/Radeon9000pro)
153.5365 ---> Sam440ep(AOS4.x AMCC440@667MHz)
26.9518 ---> WinUAE(AOS4.x Intel i5 3570k)
LAME (lower better)
0:09 / 35.823x ---> MacDualG5(MOS3.9 G5@2.7GHz)
0:34 / 9.2925x ---> PowerMac3.1(MOS3.9 G4@1600MHz/Radeon9800)
0:41s / 7.7933x ---> Pegasos2(MOS3.9 G4@1131/Radeon9000pro)
0.42s / 7.6164x ---> Amithlon(AOS3.9 Intel Core2Duo@4.0 Ghz)
0:44 / 7.3445x ---> NON AltiVec ---> MacDualG5(MOS3.9 G5@2.7GHz)
0:49s / 6.5045x ---> Pegasos2(AOS4.1FEu1 G4@1131/Radeon9000pro)
1:05 / 4.1899x ---> WinUAE(AOS3.x Intel E8500@3 Ghz)
mPlayer (lower better)
60.488s ---> Pegasos2(AOS4.1FEu1 G4@1131/Radeon9000pro)
73.144s ---> NON AltiVec ---> Pegasos2(AOS4.1FEu1 G4@1131/Radeon9000pro)
164.519s --> WinUAE(AOS4.1FEu1 Corei3-5005U@2.0GHz/IntelHD5500)
MUImPlayer (lower better)
11.713s ---> MacDualG5(MOS3.9 G5@2.7GHz)
15.721 ---> AROS(Icaros2.2 Intel Core2 6400@2130MHz/nVidea Gallium)
20.485 ---> AROS(Icaros2.2 Intel Core2 T5600@1830MHz/Intel GMA)
21.195s ---> AmigaOneX1000(AOS4 PA6-T@1.8Ghz)
29.240s ---> PowerBook5.6(MOS3.9 G4@1667MHz)
29.989s ---> MacMiniG4(MOS3.9 G4@1500GHz)
39.546 ---> AROS(Icaros2.2 Intel Atom N450@1660MHz/Intel GMA)
47.737s ---> Pegasos2(MOS3.9 G4@1131/Radeon9000pro)
50.375s ---> PowerMac3.1(MOS3.9 G4@1600MHz/Radeon9800)
55.491s ---> Pegasos2(AOS4.1FEu1 G4@1131/Radeon9000pro)
68.308s ---> NON AltiVec ---> Pegasos2(AOS4.1FEu1 G4@1131/Radeon9000pro)
82.490s ---> WinUAE(AOS3.x Intel E8500@3 Ghz)
152.362s ---> NON AltiVec --->WinUAE(AOS4.1FEu1 Corei3-5005U@2.0GHz/IntelHD5500)
BoingCube benchmark (higher better)
95.894 FPS ---> Pegasos2(AOS4.1FEu1 G4@1131/Radeon9000pro)
10.997 FPS ---> WinUAE(AOS4.1FEu1 Corei3-5005U@2.0GHz/IntelHD5500)
81.967 FPS ---> Pegasos2(AOS4.1FEu1 G4@1131/Radeon9000pro)
99.140 FPS ---> Pegasos2(AOS4.1FEu1 G4@1131/Radeon9000pro)
83.932 FPS ---> Pegasos2(AOS4.1FEu1 G4@1131/Radeon9000pro)
11.189 FPS ---> WinUAE(AOS4.1FEu1 Corei3-5005U@2.0GHz/IntelHD5500)
GPMARK (higher better)
***MacDualG5(MOS3.9 G5@2.7GHz)***
Blitting test 610.6
Plasma 558.9
Rotozoomer 274.0
Rotozoomer near 274.8
Roptozoomer far 273.8
Radial blur 320.7
3d bunny 59.8
***PowerMac3.1(MOS3.9 G4@1600MHz/Radeon9800)***
Blitting test: 473.1
Plasma: 395.7
Rotorzoomer: 207.8
Rotorzoomer near: 207.5
Rotorzoomer far: 203.7
Radial blur: 121.0
3D bunny: 18.1
***AROS(Icaros2.2 Intel Core2 6400@2130MHz/nVidea Gallium)***
Blitting test 273.4
Plasma 269.5
Rotozoomer 261.7
Rotozoomer near 262.0
Roptozoomer far 261.3
Radial blur 166.4
3d bunny 85.1
***AROS(Icaros2.2 Intel Core2 T5600@1830MHz/Intel GMA)***
Blitting test 183.5
Plasma 178.7
Rotozoomer 174.8
Rotozoomer near 175.0
Roptozoomer far 174.7
Radial blur 129.1
3d bunny 70.4
***AROS(Icaros2.2 Intel Atom N450@1660MHz/Intel GMA)***
Blitting test 70.4
Plasma 66.8
Rotozoomer 65.6
Rotozoomer near 66.4
Roptozoomer far 63.5
Radial blur 46.4
3d bunny 24.0
***Pegasos2(AOS4.1FEu1 G4@1131/Radeon9000pro)***
Blitting test 103.9
Plasma 51.5
Rotozoomer 57.9
Rotozoomer near 59.7
Roptozoomer far 57.2
Radial blur 9.7
3d bunny 8.3
***WinUAE(AOS4.1FEu1 Corei3-5005U@2.0GHz/IntelHD5500)***
Blitting test 27.9
Plasma 19.6
Rotozoomer 19.6
Rotozoomer near 19.8
Rotozoomer far 19.5
Radial blur 7.5
3D bunny 4.5
Hi Guys and Happy New Year!
Since the old Benchmarks time topic( ... hp?topic_id=30008&forum=2) becomes a bit messy and want to try to update benchs and various tests I'll start a new topic where try to do things in a better way...
Hope also to make things ordered to have a better comparison against various systems...
I dont found all the tests for all the systems however that can be a good comparison for all Amiga-òlike systems(included WinUAE, WinUAE_PPC and also Vampire)
Lets start...
For guys interested, download: ---> integer CPU benchmark interesting to test in all systems ---> float CPU benchmark interesting to test in all systems ---> lame OS4 version(NOTE: in the archive there was a version for non altivec cpu based on newev 3.100 and an AltiVec version based on 3.98.2, dunno if there was speed differences) ---> lame MOS version as above version number not same, dunno if there was speed differences ---> lame 3.100 AROS ---> lame 3.100 68k ---> mplayer from MickJT AmigaOS4 ---> mui mplayer port from kas1e ---> mplayer MorphOS ... ---> mplayer AROS ---> OS4(and maybe MOS with os4emu?) test for gfx and cpu ---> OS4 GPmark test ---> - For GPMark MorphOS I found only the sources...if anyone can compile/provide an archive was nice ... mark/ ---> AROS GPMark test
Audio file from: ... e_senza_copyright/mp3_don't_break_my_hearth_royalty_free_musica_libera_senza_diritti_autore.php
Video file from: ... Fashion_DivX720p_ASP.divxNOTES
- for the lame test starting from the mp3 file use the above command to obtain the wav file to encode:
lame --decode don't_break_my_hearth.wav by typing into shell: lame --decode don't_break_my_hearth.mp3
than use:
lame don't_break_my_hearth.wav
to perform the test
- for mplayer test use:
mplayerYOURCPUVERSION -nosound -vo null -benchmark Fashion_DivX720p_ASP.divx
to perform the test
- to rum Afinch and AFlops 68k on OS4 plz download ixemul from os4depot: skip the etc: volume request
My results scored on my Pegasos2 G4@1131 1GB RAM and Radeon9000pro on AmigaOS4.1FE Upd1
*** AFinch 68k ***
Amiga Fibonacci Benchmark V1.0 By Chris De Maeyer
(C)1999 Visionary Software - Released as Freeware
Calculating, please wait...
Run Time Seconds = 13.780
*** AFinch WOS ***
Amiga Fibonacci Benchmark V1.0 By Chris De Maeyer
(C)1999 Visionary Software - Released as Freeware
Calculating, please wait...
Run Time Seconds = 4.680
Processo: Shell 3
*** AFlops 68k ***
Amiga Flops Benchmark (Double Precision), V2.0
Module Error RunTime MFLOPS
1 2.0836e-09 =.6700 1.0241
2 -3.5527e-10 7.0100 0.9986
3 -2.6995e-11 16.8200 1.0107
4 -7.7337e-11 15.6800 0.9566
5 -3.4114e-11 29.4000 0.9864
6 -1.4921e-11 29.4200 0.9857
7 1.7627e-07 12.7700 0.9397
8 -1.9886e-11 30.4400 0.9855
Iterations = 2000000
NullTime (usec) = 0.0200
MFLOPS(1) = 1.0025
MFLOPS(2) = 0.9739
MFLOPS(3) = 0.9852
MFLOPS(4) = 0.9853
*** AFlops WOS ***
Amiga Flops Benchmark (Double Precision), V2.0
Module Error RunTime MFLOPS
1 4.0146e-13 0.0531 263.5294
2 -1.4166e-13 0.0352 199.1111
3 4.7184e-14 0.0397 428.3465
4 -1.2546e-13 0.0586 256.1708
5 -1.3800e-13 0.0946 306.6501
6 3.2374e-13 0.0631 459.4059
7 -8.4583e-11 0.1396 85.9301
8 3.4855e-13 0.0677 443.4180
Iterations = 512000000
NullTime (usec) = 0.0018
MFLOPS(1) = 241.3343
MFLOPS(2) = 175.1846
MFLOPS(3) = 282.7445
MFLOPS(4) = 397.3392
*** LAME ***
LAME 3.98.2 32bits (
Using polyphase lowpass filter, transition band: 16537 Hz - 17071 Hz
Encoding don't_break_my_hearth.wav to don't_break_my_hearth.wav.mp3
Encoding as 44.1 kHz j-stereo MPEG-1 Layer III (11x) 128 kbps qval=3
Frame | CPU time/estim | REAL time/estim | play/CPU | ETA
12206/12206 (100%)| 0:49/ 0:49| 0:49/ 0:49| 6.5045x| 0:00
kbps LR MS % long switch short %
128.0 3.3 96.7 96.6 2.2 1.2
Writing LAME Tag...done
ReplayGain: +3.5dB
*** mplayer ***
BENCHMARKs: VC: 55.721s VO: 0.034s A: 0.000s Sys: 4.733s = 60.488s
BENCHMARK%: VC: 92.1195% VO: 0.0561% A: 0.0000% Sys: 7.8244% = 100.0000%
*** mui mplayer ***
BENCHMARKs: VC: 51.238s VO: 0.025s A: 0.000s Sys: 4.229s = 55.491s
BENCHMARK%: VC: 92.3342% VO: 0.0451% A: 0.0000% Sys: 7.6207% = 100.0000%
*** BoingCube benchmark ***
Name: -benchmark10 (Counts iterations per ten seconds.)
Version: 1.45 - 6.1 - 6.1 (20160425)
Mode: Fullscreen NON-vsynced HARDware
Hardware acc.: Buff: ON (hardware) Gfx: ON (hardware)
Iterations: 960 frames
Duration: 10011 ms (10.011 seconds)
Rendering time: 109 ms (0.109 seconds) [lower is better]
R. frame-rate: 8807.339 FPS (rendering frame-rate) [higher is better]
Result: 95.894 FPS (displayed frames/second) [higher is better]
*** BoingCube benchmark ***
Name: -benchmark10 (Counts iterations per ten seconds.)
Version: 1.45 - 6.1 - 6.1 (20160425)
Mode: Fullscreen NON-vsynced SOFTware
Hardware acc.: Buff: OFF (software) Gfx: OFF (software)
Iterations: 820 frames
Duration: 10004 ms (10.004 seconds)
Rendering time: 584 ms (0.584 seconds) [lower is better]
R. frame-rate: 1404.109 FPS (rendering frame-rate) [higher is better]
Result: 81.967 FPS (displayed frames/second) [higher is better]
*** BoingCube benchmark ***
Name: -benchmark10 (Counts iterations per ten seconds.)
Version: 1.45 - 6.1 - 6.1 (20160425)
Mode: Windowed NON-vsynced HARDware
Hardware acc.: Buff: ON (hardware) Gfx: ON (hardware)
Iterations: 992 frames
Duration: 10006 ms (10.006 seconds)
Rendering time: 75 ms (0.075 seconds) [lower is better]
R. frame-rate: 13226.666 FPS (rendering frame-rate) [higher is better]
Result: 99.140 FPS (displayed frames/second) [higher is better]
*** BoingCube benchmark ***
Name: -benchmark10 (Counts iterations per ten seconds.)
Version: 1.45 - 6.1 - 6.1 (20160425)
Mode: Windowed NON-vsynced SOFTware
Hardware acc.: Buff: OFF (software) Gfx: OFF (software)
Iterations: 840 frames
Duration: 10008 ms (10.008 seconds)
Rendering time: 562 ms (0.562 seconds) [lower is better]
R. frame-rate: 1494.661 FPS (rendering frame-rate) [higher is better]
Result: 83.932 FPS (displayed frames/second) [higher is better]
*** GPMARK ***
Blitting test 103.9
Plasma 5135
Rotozoomer 57.9
Rotozoomer near 59.7
Roptozoomer far 57.2
Radial blur 9.7
3d bunny 8.3
+++++ Results om MorphOS 3.9 on my Pegasos2 G4@1131 1GB RAM & Radeon 9000pro +++++
*** AFinch68k GENERIC ***
Amiga Fibonacci Benchmark V1.0 By Chris De Maeyer
(C)1999 Visionary Software - Released as Freeware
Calculating, please wait...
Run Time Seconds = 13.740
*** AFinchWOS ***
Amiga Fibonacci Benchmark V1.0 By Chris De Maeyer
(C)1999 Visionary Software - Released as Freeware
Calculating, please wait...
Run Time Seconds = 4.660
*** AFlops 68k GENERIC ***
Amiga Flops Benchmark (Double Precision), V2.0
Module Error RunTime MFLOPS
1 4.4764e-13 4.4400 3.1532
2 -8.3933e-14 2.2350 3.1320
3 1.2879e-14 5.2750 3.2227
4 4.4187e-14 4.9600 3.0242
5 -3.9857e-14 9.3550 3.0999
6 1.2323e-14 9.3500 3.1016
7 7.9751e-11 4.1000 2.9268
8 -1.7431e-14 9.6300 3.1153
Iterations = 4000000
NullTime (usec) = 0.0100
MFLOPS(1) = 3.1611
MFLOPS(2) = 3.0534
MFLOPS(3) = 3.0991
MFLOPS(4) = 3.1148
*** AFlopsWOS ***
Amiga Flops Benchmark (Double Precision), V2.0
Module Error RunTime MFLOPS
1 4.0146e-13 0.0519 269.8795
2 -1.4166e-13 0.0348 201.1223
3 4.7184e-14 0.0384 442.7263
4 -1.2546e-13 0.0571 262.4744
5 -1.3800e-13 0.0929 312.0639
6 3.2374e-13 0.0616 470.4689
7 -8.4583e-11 0.1375 87.2479
8 3.4855e-13 0.0661 453.9007
Iterations = 512000000
NullTime (usec) = 0.0027
MFLOPS(1) = 244.7959
MFLOPS(2) = 178.3727
MFLOPS(3) = 288.7515
MFLOPS(4) = 407.5577
*** lame ***
LAME 3.99.5 32bits (
Using polyphase lowpass filter, transition band: 16538 Hz - 17071 Hz
Encoding //don't_break_my_hearth.wav to //don't_break_my_hearth.mp3
Encoding as 44.1 kHz j-stereo MPEG-1 Layer III (11x) 128 kbps qval=3
Frame | CPU time/estim | REAL time/estim | play/CPU | ETA
12205/12205 (100%)| 0:40/ 0:40| 0:41/ 0:41| 7.7933x| 0:00
kbps LR MS % long switch short %
128.0 4.1 95.9 96.5 2.2 1.3
Writing LAME Tag...done
ReplayGain: +3.5dB
*** mui mplayer ***
BENCHMARKs: VC: 45.166s VO: 0.016s A: 0.000s Sys: 2.555s = 47.737s
BENCHMARK%: VC: 94.6141% VO: 0.0345% A: 0.0000% Sys: 5.3514% = 100.0000%
Simone"Tuxedo"Monsignori, Perugia, ITALY.