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: 11/19 7:09
From In Russia everyone is free to say what he thinks
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Hi, I tried the new MPlayer-GUI version with mickJT-MPlayer working very well, thanks for your work. I know that I do not use a real amiga, so I try to make what's possible with winuae. A real amiga machine still has high costs. I wanted to ask the http: // option in the MPlayer-GUI what is it for? I tried to insert a youtube link to see a video but it does not seem to work, the video is not opened, I'm missing something or its function is different, thanks for every answer. I also use SMTube which works very well, but I wanted to know if the function http: // in MPlayer-GUI has a similar function or is this not its function? do I have to insert a particular string like with YT.rexx or something else?
Thank you.