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: Yesterday 23:11
From Michigan, USA
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Nearly everything on my new X5000 is sorted and working now. One exception is. . .
Updater pops up asking for my AmiSphere password and login. I enter them, hit return, and then it asks me to enter them again. After re-entering the login and password, I hit return, and then get a DSI. If I try to ignore the DSI, I get an ISI and need to reboot.
I've made a phone call and an email to Amigakit /Matthew to get that sorted out. But so far no response.
I recopied Updater and the Amisphere Server from the Enhancer 1.5 software. But it makes no difference.
(I DID finally get Amistore to work so I could buy the grpahics update package and a couple other items.)