cygnusEd wrote:
I already have GlibMM, GTKMM and Poppler.
Boost is not available for Newlib at the moment, but shouldn't be too hard to compile.
But the biggest problem is Boehm-GC. It was already ported to OS3.x, but it is a very bad hack
and the code unusuable for OS4 / AmiCygnix.
At the moment I don't see a chance to port this library.
Boehm-gc is a kind of memory managment.....
http://www.t2-project.org/packages/boehm-gc.htmljust 640ko but surely, as you said, hard to port...
Your answer push me to post another question:
About GlibMM, GtkMM and Poppler.
As you said, you have this libs on Amicygnix allready:
- There is an interest to be in touch with you in case a programmer want to port them to AOS4.x ???
- The fact that amicygnix have allready this libraries (or others) give less job for a real port to AOS4.x (or no relation at all) based on the amicygnix ported version ???.