Just popping in
Joined: 2006/12/5 22:55 Last Login
: 11/23 14:30
From Vantaa,Finland
Registered Users
Hi Rigo & al!
I've installed CodeBench Free Licence version into my X1000 and have been mostly very happy with this wonderful piece of software. A couple of suggestions to the functionality I have found:
- The Free Licence version contains the OS4SDK project settings and they work quite fine if I use GCC as compiler. But if using VBCC and a 'handmade' Makefile, one cannot click the compiler warning/error messages to jump to the appropriate place in the source code. Maybe because the error message syntax differs a bit in these two compilers? Is it possible to support VBCC also here?
- the editor I used previously had a couple of keyboard/menu functions that I miss here: * selecting a whole line (for moving/deleting) * moving to the matching () or {} with a keyboard shortcut; yes, its already there in a context menu, but it would be great if this functionality could be binded to a key
I'm looking forward to the opportunity to get the commercial Codebench when available again.