Just popping in
Joined: 2007/4/23 4:02 Last Login
: 2013/8/23 0:38
From Parts Unknown, USA
Registered Users
A few quick bugs I noticed on TW alpha.
The prefs window doesn't seem to work. It comes up (Alt + T then arrow keys) but I don't seem to be able to change any of the options (I only tried a couple).
The History window doesn't seem to work either. The devs probably already know this because the back arrow (next to the redraw button) is ghosted.
I had one tab open. I opened another tab (the green + button). The tab's title was "(Untitled)" but it seemed to be a copy of the first tab. I typed a URL into the address bar from the second tab and the title of the FIRST tab changed, the second was still (Untitled). I THINK they were both the same page but I don't remember for sure. I closed the first tab and was left with a blank untitled page.