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Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I have also uploaded a fresh version of my flasQ app, I would be very happy if someone could give it a go and maybe come up with some comments .

I know, it is no killer app, but I think it has potential. It would be really great if I could get some idea of what people would like to see in an app like this.

At present it can draw shapes with strokes and patterns and all, and it even exports sfw files (Flash Player files). It is a little slow, but I think that is due to the slowness of gui elements in Qt, and I'm going to try and make a faster style/theme in the next version.

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Re: FlasQ
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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I have to assign flasq twice before i get the program to start. The speed is okay its not fast but not that slow either. I get a grim reaper when i try to insert a frame. Do you want a crashlog on os4depot?

AmigaOne X5000
Radeon HD 7700
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Re: FlasQ
Home away from home
Home away from home

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At startup i got:

Failed to load shared object libming.so

Can you provide it with the main archive ?

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Re: FlasQ
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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AmigaOne X5000
Radeon HD 7700
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Re: FlasQ
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Thanks i will install it for now as i'm forced to do that for my testing.. however i don't like this method at all, my SOBjs folder is already full of crap and i tend to avoid any manually installation on that folder ..

All software must provide its deps internally or even better just compile a software with all proper libs already included ...

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Re: FlasQ
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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you dont need to copy the needed so in sobjs:

you just copy it in the folder of the application and the application will take this one in priority as the one in sobjs: (at least thats what I was told).

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Re: FlasQ
Home away from home
Home away from home

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You are right, i copied the ming library into the application's folder only (erasing it from the main "SOBjs" folder) and the program start aswell, so the "big annoying" is solved, still the "issue" to search, download and install manually the dep needed, aniway

Quick test: FlasQ is a almost slow here, and not so stable .. i got a freeze just clicking on the "New" button .. and another freeze at startup

I'll test other parts, first i need to understand well how the program work

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Re: FlasQ
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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I am puzzled about the crash you are experiencing. What exactly do you do to make it happen? Be aware, that only a few of the menu entries actually work.

The "correct" way of doing things is:

1) Go to "file" menu and select "new" to create a new document.
2) Draw some elements to the document using the buttons in the "Tools" dockie. Also try selecting the "Properties" tab and change colors and patterns for the elements.
3) Right click on the timeline to get a context menu. Select "Insert Keyframe" to get a new frame. Now you can go back and forth btw frames by clicking and dragging the red box on the top of the timeline.

If this procedure doesn't work, something is wrong.

EDIT: And yes of course I would like to see the crash report!

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Re: FlasQ
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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?? Anything? I would like to see that crashlog!


Anyone else having any experiences with this app? Negative or positive? I mean I know it is not the 7th wonder, but I think it has potential. Now I need to know if it is worth continuing the development or just trash it...

EDIT: Maybe I need to ask someone to do a better spalsh screen image to lure people into thinking, that this is just a really cool app... Anyone up?

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Re: FlasQ
Home away from home
Home away from home

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Flasq 100% have potential. And the actul drawing are very fast in native mode (just like indeed native). Small minor bugs here and here, and problem with speed when resizing the whole main window (but, when resizine the new frame window, it resisizes very fast , just like native).

As you write it from scratch, you can later speedup and fix any kind of bugs => only because of that its worth to spend time on it.

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Re: FlasQ
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Well i think the problem is like you said that only a few of the menu entries actually work. This program has potential so please continue to develop it. So is the QT speed good enough for Koffice or Libreoffice now? In the past kas1e said it was to slow.

I emailed you the crashlog.

AmigaOne X5000
Radeon HD 7700
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Re: FlasQ
Home away from home
Home away from home

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I think it's too early for KOffice or any other "real" project, first let Alfkil to complete it, speed is an issue but problems are not only related to the speed

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Re: FlasQ
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Thanks for the support, now I feel a lot more confident in the project :).


Thanks for the log, I will look at it shortly. About KOffice, I think I am going to go for Calligra instead, and I will probably start trying as soon as I finish a few things with fonts. Not thereby said, that I have any hopes of succeeding .

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Re: FlasQ
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Sounds good Why dont you ask kas1e for help?

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