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Joined: 2020/11/17 12:08 Last Login
: Today 7:44
From Slough
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There are 3 PCI slots in the Sam 460 ex right? Two long ones and one short one. The gfx card goes in the right most slot (looking at the front of the board with the backplane facing away).
Then there's a full size one in the middle. Then there's a little one on the left.
Is it the middle one that can't coexist with the SATA? Or the little one on the left?
I ask because today I installed a 3com wifi card into the middle slot, and OS4 wouldn't boot until i removed the J16 jumper and set the uboot to PCI mode, and then it worked fine. Until I did that, it locked up each time I got to the point where uboot hands off to OS4 after loading the kickstart.