Home away from home
Joined: 2006/11/26 21:45 Last Login
: Yesterday 23:51
From a dying planet
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Depends on what you want to do and what drivers are available.
Possible PCI solutions: Port expander (gives you more pci slots, if you got the space, or you can lead them outside the case into another one) NVMe drives (no drivers) TV Tuner (iirc there are drivers for very old tv tuner cards on aminet) Video capture (no drivers)
I still have a Catweasel (but no free pci slot to use it) if you are into backwards compatibility and C64 emulation - given you have the SID chips
When it comes to sound cards i would instantly buy a MIDI tone generator supported PCI solution (like the SW1000XG from Yamaha - just, no drivers as well)