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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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Here if i simple click with the middle mouse button nothing happen with Odyssey, i don't know its strange but it seems i need to press it 100 times until it will decide to work ..

I do not know what kind of problems you have, but its all works and in 1.16 and in 1.23, i just tested it myself 100 times now. To make it works you do DBL-CLICK, not single click as in Jorg's owb.


Read my previews post ..

What about then read my previous post ? I told you that by pressing on middle mouse button in joerg's owb i didn't have auto-scroll , but menu instead. And i already sort why , there is tooltype about it.

And now after i enable tooltype for, it works _exactly_ the same as in odyssey by logic. There is nothing messy. Differences is that in odyssey you need press dbl-click , not single click. And that currently there is no image indicated that autoscroll enables.

Edited by kas1e on 2014/2/10 7:49:07
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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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I do not know what kind of problems you have, but its all works and in 1.16 and in 1.23, i just tested it myself 100 times now. To make it works you do DBL-CLICK, not single click as in Jorg's owb.

Mate forget .. i've edited that post ..
I didn't realized that Odyssey needed 2 click .. all the browsers i ever used need 1 click only for scroll .. that's why the confusion

And now after i enable tooltype for, it works _exactly_ the same as in odyssey by logic. There is nothing messy. Differences is that in odyssey you need press dbl-click , not single click. And that currently there is no image indicated that autoscroll enables.

Ok that's fine then, forgot it
I hope you can backport such graphical buttons ..

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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Ok that's fine then, forgot it
I hope you can backport such graphical buttons ..

Already found place for. For 1.16 it didn't works because i just purely comment settings of autoscroll pointer and forget about as never use it:

static void autoscroll_add(Object *objstruct Data *dataIntuiMessage *im)
data->is_scrolling   1;
data->scrolling_mode 2;
data->autoscroll_position IntPoint(im->MouseXim->MouseY);
data->autoscroll_delta IntSize(00);
DoMethod(_app(obj), MUIM_Application_AddInputHandler, (IPTR)&data->ihnode);
data->autoscroll_added TRUE;

#ifdef __amigaos4__
        //SetWindowPointer(_window(obj), WA_Pointer, POINTERTYPE_MOVE, TAG_DONE); 
set(_window(obj), WA_PointerTypePOINTERTYPE_MOVE);

For 1.9 i do not remember if there was that auto-scroll stuff at all or not. So now just need make that :
SetWindowPointer(_window(obj), WA_Pointer, POINTERTYPE_MOVE, TAG_DONE); works, as there is no POINTERTYPE_* in os4, so need a bit of time for checking joerg's code and co

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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For 1.9 i do not remember if there was that auto-scroll stuff at all or not.

Not in 1.9, according to the Odyssey readme the feature was introduced starting from 1.15 release

So now just need make that :
SetWindowPointer(_window(obj), WA_Pointer, POINTERTYPE_MOVE, TAG_DONE); works, as there is no POINTERTYPE_* in os4, so need a bit of time for checking joerg's code and co

Ok, thank you to look at

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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Ok, thank you to look at

Native pointers code added, now just few mins to fix auto-scroll one

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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Progress...! Not long now?

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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Aehh, it's more than that. With odyssey you have two autoscroll modes...

With a single mmb click you have autoscroll in the webview, as long as mmb is pressed.

With double mmb click you have autoscroll in the webview, without the need to keep the button pressed.

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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There is no need to call SetWindowPointer() anymore to set one of the internal pointers. set(window, MUIA_Window_PointerType, type) works perfectly. Check the SDK directory that is coming with the MUI releases. Depending on the possible directions a value like MUIV_PointerType_NorthEastSouthWestResize should be exactly what you are looking for. MUI4/AmigaOS4 has some additional pointer types compared to MUI4/MorphOS (see NewStuff demo).

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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Yep, thanks a bunch, as i says in mails it works!

Seems i may found some issue in 1.23 (mos version): when you enable auto-scroll, and then move mouse a lot outside of the main window, then at some point, mouse pointer change state on "normal" one, while auto-scroll feature still in the work. It through pretty hard to reproduce, as for some time at just go at amigans, dbl-click mmb, move few times like madman over screen (include odyssey window and outside area, where cursor change the state) and bug is here. But another times trying hard to reproduce and can't.

Or another case, like right now i write that post on mos version, press for autoscroll, then move mouse inside of odyssey a lot, and at some point cursor start to be like showing me "i can type things", while autoscroll still enabled.

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
Quite a regular
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/Off thread
i read in this very thread that you compiled cairo 1.12.
Could this version be used instead of the old version that comes with the SDK?

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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I never use Cairo from SDK, only own builded. Will be cool, if, someday, there will be hardware accelerated cairo without bugs of latest version. Then it can be cool to use it for odyssey and i assume it will be really faster (if and when)

But in other words, you of course can use new cairo which you can build yourself , instead of SDK one (which, if i see it right, not HW accelerated as well, but can be wrong and even if, it still pretty dated today).

Edited by kas1e on 2014/2/10 13:31:38
Edited by kas1e on 2014/2/10 17:58:22
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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Great Kas1e ... soon we will browsing

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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Not long now?

Only deal with calling clipboard hook from odyssey's process now , and can be released in general as 1.23, but as i says there is still to do a lot about mediaplayer-fullscreen (to support overlays correctly, to support all that hw acceleration of new radeons, etc). Its all can take really a lot of time, so to hold release because of that imho make no sense, as slow window mode in youtube its better than no youtube. Besides i assume x1000/x5000 users will have good fps, and in general on my peg2 i have 15 fps and its quite ok in compare with no youtube. And mediaplayer its not just youtube, but html5 video/audio: for example today i play in some html5 based online games (not ultra fast, but some playable).

As for youtube, window mode anyway will be always like this , so imho instead of waiting for months and dunno-what-can-happens-with-any-of-us better to release. Maybe through it worth to wait new mui release as Thore fix bunch of bugs as well which make odyssey works better.

And that crash-bug related to some sockets/timing need to be deal too, but as it present in all previous ports and ppls live with it ok, and its not so offten happens, i assume we can just put it in TODO. At least better live on 1.23 with that bug, in compare with 1.16 with that bug.

At least i see it like this. After 1.23, release by release (if fab will continue to share sources) improve video-player and deal with that timing bug. But if other ones prefer to wait, i can hold it for half of year till all will be not done :)

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Excellent. A release would be great, but only when you are happy with things. Don't let my nagging push you into a public release too soon...

AmigaOne X1000.
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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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Just popping in

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thx for you work and a little donaton , all i can do ;)

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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release it! hungry users may be a good test bench

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Yes i kind of agree, but we must remember that there are those out there who would love to see this port go tits up....

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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Can be released as beta. Meanwhile... kas1e can continue his work debugging and fixing errors

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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As i say there just one known bug (avail in all previous ports as well), and other than that it just didn't have full-screen-overlay mediaplayer, but dunno if you can call it as bug (of course not). For other parts everything should be fine and better than 1.16 (and because Thore fix more bugs in mui, and because of all other stuff which you can read before in that topic).

Thanks for :)

Edited by kas1e on 2014/2/10 20:07:32
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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
Just popping in
Just popping in

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It´s not so easy to say if kas1e should release his port at this time. Some will say the port is not fine because things won´t go as they expect. Some will say it doesn´t matter if some things won´t go as they should. If I would be in his shoes I don´t know what to do. But I know I would be very happy when he released the port and it doesn´t matter if some things won´t go.

You have done a really great job.

Edited by Younghippie on 2014/2/10 20:11:19
Edited by Younghippie on 2014/2/10 21:33:29
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