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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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Just had look at youtube on a 1.5ghz Mac Mini running MorphOS. The main youtube page has the cpu idling at around 3%.

On a Sam 440EP running AOS4.1 update 6, cpu idles at 33%.

That seems a bigger difference than can be explained by the hardware specs.

Do test morphos and amigaos4 versions on my pegasos2 with 1ghz:

morphos version on morphos3.3

When just run odyssey and do nothing (i.e. about page): ~3-4%

When go to youtube.com : on moment of loading sometime jump at 100%, and when all loads and we do nothing for a while: ~38%-40% of loading

amigaos4 port on latest beta aos4

When just run odyssey and do nothing (i.e. about page): ~3-4%

When go to youtube.com : on moment of loading sometime jump at 100%, and when all loads and we do nothing for a while: ~29%-30% of loading, sometime jump on 36-38%

In other words, as you can see both versions (original and port) are the same by speed in that terms, and it is indeed HW specs

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AmigaOS4 on youtube
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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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There is nothing in that "documentation" at all : its copy + paste of what in the readme

Of course more or less it's that, but with hyperlinks and graphics is a bit more readable and "modern" comparing to a plain readme

as well, as there is "bugs.html" file, which strange as well

Yes you right on this, infact i removed the bugs section from the linked page, now don't remember if it still in my uploaded archive, but if it still you can remove it completely (as it isn't used anymore)

and in general make no sense at all

Well that's the same when (for example) a developers will add also a nicer PDF/HTML docs inside their archive togheter with a classic standard readme ..

Why they add a PDF if a simple readme can be enought ?
Simple because a PDF or an HTML file is always better, more readable and modern comparing to ..

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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Aniway, don't know if this is the right place to ask (maybe better adding a BZ?), but i noted a strange behaviour trying to open an HTML file with double click

As a test I created an HTML file with icon, and as tooltype i set "appdir:odyssey"

Now if i double click on it, the HTML file should be open with Odyssey, infact Odyssey will start, but the page will not be loaded in browser..

Is a thing to "fix" in our version, or it's just how it works by default ?

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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Youtube probably runs lots of js scripts on main page for some reason. That said, as soon as you go to a particular video, the idle state goes back to 0% usage. That's just the main youtube page being so demanding in idle state.


Just bind the html to open url (or 'URL' in OS4?) already. If you really want to bind it to odyssey directly, then you'll have to do it so that it calls it as file:///yourfile.

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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I tested using Morphos 3.5
Don't think that makes a big difference but could be wrong.

Your 1ghz peg is using 5% more CPU when doing nothing on YouTube than my 667mhz sam440ep.

So that doesn't look right either.

The previous version of odyssey idles at only 3% when doing nothing on the YouTube page.


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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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At least i just happy to put off myself from , as it it the same in morphos version, then its not bugs i introduce :)

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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Just popping in

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With the p96 api, i know it's already able to define a specific area for the video layer and you can add anything you want around, it's not the problem here.

The real question is if the limited p96api is able to ATTACH a video layer to an EXISTING window.

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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Its again me, or even on morphos version with latest scripts that link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUoJBerFDsA , do not handles by youtube.js ? I have both latest scripts, both of them remove/add and restart odyssey, have enabled html5 mode in youtube, and icon at status bar show that scipts is in running, but looks like nothing happens:


If it me, and it works for you, what/where else can i check ? When spoof as chrome/ipad it all start to works of course, just before your mediplayer spawns.

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
Just can't stay away
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That link plays fine with Youtube-center script.

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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Question not about how to play it, by why youtube.js didn't handle it for me (should be new options under the vid, as well as should start another player). I.e. problem not "i want that video to see", but why it didn't works (for me?) as expected by youtube.js.

I.e. youtube EZ, youtube-center,etc, there not relevant, as i need to make all works as intendent by pure youtube.js

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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Just can't stay away

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I found that the youtube.js scripts from fab did nothing for me in 1.16 or in 1.23

Very likely I have them setup incorrectly. However I find the youtubecenter script to be excellent. http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/114002

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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Youtube-center and EZdownloader works fine for me always too, but, youtube.js just did nothing now too.

I remember when we start to worry with all that youtube stuff, i have the same problems. Then, it start to works at some point (after i update scripts or something), now, its again do nothing for me. And that all on morphos and on os4 port.

Seems we have some common problems somewhere, as it should work.

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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from my experience with Owb on mos too ... some video form youtube (ex. Vevo music video) need only FlashPlayer or not play at all. Some other don't play on Tablet too because play only on computer browser ...
Some times video don't play because there is the youtube full screen fix ..
For have youtube work at 100% the only way is have the Adobe flash player ... and we know is only available for windows and macsox .

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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I not about general problems, it all welknown already and fab explain few times why and how it all works.

I am about exactly than link and latest youtube.js , because previously that link with youtube.js works for sure.


need only FlashPlayer or not play at all

As Fab explain before you can play _any_ video on youtube, just if it didn't works with scripts you do without, or just do spoof as other oses and it will works. And dunno what your expirience show you, but my one show that i can play any youtube video in odyssey, just now have problems with youtube.js and question about exactly that, not about how to play and what bablablabl omiga !

Its not general question to discuss for now, i need to know why latest youtube.js don't works on exactly that link. I am almost sure it works for fab , and something wrong on my mos-odyssey setup done.

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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Spoofing as IPAD makes video work/play.

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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Guys stop making facepalms !:) How many times need to explain to everyone why i ask it ?:))

One more time: i ask not because i cant play that video , i can play ANY video on youtube by that or that or that (youtube-center do it always, the same as ipad)

My question to Fab its EXACTLY YOUTUBE.JS SCRIPT (damny damn !) BECAUSE I WANT TO MAKE IT WORKS (facepalm and one more!).

I.e. under vid options, another looks of player, youtube.js !

Edited by kas1e on 2014/3/19 12:45:34
Edited by kas1e on 2014/3/19 12:46:18
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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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I had the same problem since i've installed the new 0.94 version availible on the Fab's website, but the old youtube.js 0.93 in your archive worked the first time i test it, try to revert back

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

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9) Topsites:// wow really like this.. reminds me of Opera in some ways. However, in Grid mode, the contents of the 'page' need to be centred horizontally. ..

edit 'TopSites_Grid.html' and change (lines 41 and 42):
#thumbs { list-style: none; text-align: left; }
#thumbs li { position: relative; margin-right: 14px; margin-bottom: 14px; }

#thumbs { list-style: none; text-align: center; }
#thumbs li { position: relative; margin-right: 14px; margin-bottom: 14px; text-align: left; }

And you will get/see the grid centered. Now if I can manage to make coverflow bigger, lets see..
LATER: only found that changing 'scaleFactor' in 'TopSites_CoverFlow.html' (line 9) makes covers bigger (or smaller).
var cf = new ContentFlow('ContentFlow', {startItem: "0", scaleFactor: "1.6"});

Edited by jabirulo on 2014/3/19 13:30:43
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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
Home away from home
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Right ! youtube.js 0.93 version works fine, while with 0.94 on that link nope. But 0.93 have bug when you resize odyssey, so 0.94 was able (as i read on amiga-ng) to fix it, but seems together with fix bring something else.

Also what i notice, is that 0.93 are more than 100kb of size, while 0.94 are just 25kb of size. Maybe somehow related, dunno. But at least we know it is script, and i at least able to test another player.

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Re: Odyssey 1.23 progress
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Also what i notice, is that 0.93 are more than 100kb of size, while 0.94 are just 25kb of size.

I see, maybe the file was corrupted in some way during the upload...
In a so small update such different size look strange


Right, send the new fixed page to Roman then

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