Just popping in
Joined: 2006/12/18 1:32 Last Login
: 2019/8/27 23:14
From Hawaii
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I wasn't going to bother this forum until I had finished the manual(s), but I have encountered a very serious problem.
I gave up Workbench entirely, and now boot only DOpus. In a way, I'm cheating, because it looks very much like Workbench, especially since I found out how to get my WB Leave-outs to come on the DOpus screen. (What a mess; I'm going to do a lot of reconfiguration as soon as I have a good grip on what I'm doing.)
But... I have been using PageStream Pro for several years to do some small but essential tasks. I have not been able to launch it under DOpus5. CPUInfo indicates 95~100% for about 15 seconds, then stops, CPU usage dropping to 5~15% range.
Three attempts have produced exactly the same 2,344 line debug file, ending with
FT_Done_Face calling FT_Done_Face returned fontpath_update done
What I assume conks it out is the following task(s), which in an un-crashed debug file would be
initapprsrc name:en_US theme:<NULL> oldsyskey2newsyskey oldkey:29 -> 80000029 oldsyskey2newsyskey oldkey:28 -> 80000028 oldsyskey2newsyskey oldkey:28 -> 80000028 oldsyskey2newsyskey oldkey:20 -> 80000020 oldsyskey2newsyskey oldkey:21 -> 80000021 oldsyskey2newsyskey oldkey:22 -> 80000022 oldsyskey2newsyskey oldkey:23 -> 80000023 oldsyskey2newsyskey oldkey:21 -> 80000021 oldsyskey2newsyskey oldkey:24 -> 80000024 initapprsrc name:en_US theme:<NULL> execute macro OPEN Apps:pgs5058/Documents/chuteclimb.pgs STATUS Mnew_picture notifyhandle:0 Mset_pictureattr #1 notifyhandle:0 Mset_pictureattr #2 notifyhandle:0 Mset_pictureattr #1 notifyhandle:0 Mset_pictureattr #2 notifyhandle:0 Mset_pictureattr #1 notifyhandle:0 Mset_pictureattr #2 notifyhandle:0 Mset_pictureattr #1 notifyhandle:0 Mset_pictureattr MOD_FileInfo #1 notifyhandle:0 Mset_pictureattr MOD_FileInfo #2 file:bartssite:barts15/albums/waimea/catchute/panorama.JPG Mset_pictureattr MOD_FileInfo #3 notifyhandle:0 Mset_pictureattr MOD_FileInfo #4 notifyhandle:0 file:bartssite:barts15/albums/waimea/catchute/panorama.JPG Mset_pictureattr MOD_ModuleName #1 notifyhandle:0 modulename:(len:4) JPEG Mset_pictureattr MOD_ModuleName #2 notifyhandle:0 Mset_pictureattr #2 notifyhandle:0 Mnew_bm Mnew_bm obhandle:585C4DC0 pbmhandle:585C42E8 bmhandle:585C5140 Mget_bmattrA pbmhandle:585C42E8 bmhandle:585C5140 Mget_bmattrA done loaded_PICTURE (!external) notifyhandle:0 execute macro DISPLAY OFFSET -3.2162i -5.8401i
Are there any clues here? Are other WBR DOpus users able to run PageStream properly? Am I going to have to practice switching C:LoadWB-old and LoadWB back and forth from their other identities?