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Selling Amiga 500 German
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

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Hello Amigans!

I sell an Amiga 500 German because I have it boxed on my garage since years.

The Amiga 500 is in good condition and it comes with original Amiga 500 mouse,Competition Pro Red&Black joystick,PSU,5 games on diskette including Out Run and Katakis,etc...It is not sold with monitor.

The only problem to be honest is the sound that sometimes doesn't reproduce at all making and strange and annoying beep or so bad sound.But this is very rare I think.

It was buyed on ebay on 2015 and it is on the range of 200 euros and beyond.

Interested e-mail me at headbangingman2022@gmail.com and I will hear your voices.

Thank you

EDIT:I live on Spain but I plan to ship worldwide

Amiga 500 1MB Chip RAM with ACA 500+ACA1232,CD32,Amiga 1300 030/50 Mhz,32MB (now on my hands at least)and Amiga One G3 XE PPC 800 Mhz,ATI Radeon 9250 128 MB,256 MB RAM,Seagate 200 GB HD,2 working DVD drives,X-Arcade double for MAME,Sil0680,4 USB ports,LG
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