Typically with shared objects if the major version bumps the library is not compatable.
For my own programs, I put the major version number in the program name, and (more importantly) in the archive name too. (At least when I go past v1.x, e.g. FolderSync2) But I only increase major version numbers for complete rewrites (or if they are somehow incompatible with previous versions).
If all archives on OS4Depot, and SObjs on OS4, followed this convention, then you'd always have the latest revision of every major version (both on OS4Depot & within SOBJS: itself). At least if OS4Depot policy allowed this...
(Of course this won't work for programs that increase their major version number for arbitrary reasons (e.g. Firefox, assuming we ever got a working port), but in those cases the developer should have enough sense to not put the major version number in the archive name.)