I recently acquired AmigaWriter to test my localization, but after the execution of the program I got this empty window with two empty buttons as well.
If I press the left button I got another empty window:
If I press the right button it quits back to Workbench.
To clarify that I'm running the 68k version with the latest wizard.library from Alinea Computers' download area.
For the PPC version, although I have downloaded the latest powerpc.library (v16?), it pops up with a message that it needs v7 or higher.
Any help please?
To Be A True Adventurer, You Ought To Play Real Text Adventures
It's a well-known problem, introduced a couple of years back with an update to OS4's Locale Library. Both AmigaWriter and ArtEffect are reported as affected by this problem.
As a "workaround", you need to remove your locale languages in Prefs and use plain English.
This is a known problem and has to do with the font loading code and AWs own fonts. I never got it to work right from (i think) 4.0 upd 2 and later.
Its a nasty bug which will also sneak up in the main progam (yes, you can reach the main program if you know what (empty) buttons to press, dont ask m though, i sold AW long ago). It renders the program more or less unuseable as at least 90% of your fonts (ttf, iirc) are not displayed in the docs anymore (due to the font loading bug above)
edit: Trixie seems to have a solution, iirc thi also didnt work fo me
btw...the ppc version was never bug free...i was in talks with the main coders back in the day when they tried to corner a devastating save bug which can render your documents unreadable and even unloadable. They never found/fixed it...
My advice would be, either use the 68k version or dont use it at all, especially for important documents
Thanks for the help. Trixie's tip works here as well, but unfortunately without using greek for me is useless, as almost all my workbench and apps are translated to my language. Too bad really, it seemed a nice word processor.
At least, I'm off to CW (can't write greek letters as well) or Final Writer 97 (let's hope that this one works without problems).
To Be A True Adventurer, You Ought To Play Real Text Adventures
Nah, it always sort of sucked, leaving the impression of an unfinished product. Too bad Haage&Partner backed out of anything Amiga, it could've matured with a couple of updates here and there.
There's always AmiCygnix and Abiword but that'll probably be even slower than WW7 or you could try sone of the QT programs, though I think they're more editers than word processors.
Amiga user since 1985 AOS4, A-EON, IBrowse & Alinea Betatester
Trixie's tip works here as well, but unfortunately without using greek for me is useless, as almost all my workbench and apps are translated to my language.
When I had the same problem in ArtEffect, I could solve it by creating (in my case) a Danish catalog. I just created an "empty" (non-translated) .ct file from the .cd, set the language and codeset to the same as my "real" Danish .ct files, and compiled it with CatComp using the NOOPTIM switch.
This let the program think it has a catalog for the system language (which solves the glitch), even if all the texts in it are still in English, but the rest of the system can thus keep the selected language (Danish for me, Greek for you).
Worth a try if you'd like to experiment more with AW. Later on, you can always actually enter Greek translations in your .ct/.catalog.