Mnemosyne is an open-source disk utility application for AmigaOS 3.x, which can be used to to see how much disk space your files and folders are taking up.
Mnemosyne is coded in C and uses the NDK 3.2 and ReAction (For the GUI).
Note: It required at least AmigaOS 3.2.1 for the GUI to Function tho
Note: It required at least AmigaOS 3.2.1 for the GUI to Function tho
I didn't check the sources if it's using something 3.2.1 specific, but if not it should work with AmigaOS 3.9 as well, and even with AmigaOS 2.x + installed. To make it work with AmigaOS 2.x/3.1 + ClassAct and AmigaOS 3.5/3.9 you just have to remove (use 0) or lower (to the versions included in ClassAct or AmigaOS 3.5/3.9) the version numbers in the OpenLibrary() calls for intuition.library, utility.library, window.class and the gadgets.
I didn't check the sources if it's using something 3.2.1 specific, but if not it should work with AmigaOS 3.9 as well, and even with AmigaOS 2.x + installed. To make it work with AmigaOS 2.x/3.1 + ClassAct and AmigaOS 3.5/3.9 you just have to remove (use 0) or lower (to the versions included in ClassAct or AmigaOS 3.5/3.9) the version numbers in the OpenLibrary() calls for intuition.library, utility.library, window.class and the gadgets.
Unfortunately, Mnemosyne uses texteditor.gadget and listbrowser.gadget which I have not been able to make work below 3.2.1. (Probably because of the way they are handled right now)
It's one of my top priorities at the moment and hopefully, soon I will make it work :D
@arisamiga listbrowser.gadget was even included in already. Some features of current versions like sorting columns by clicking on the column title may be missing in the 25 years old version, but the basic functionally should work. ClassAct doesn't seem to include the texteditor.gadget, but since there is an example from 2001 using it at least AmigaOS 3.5 and 3.9 should include it. For a very old listbrowser example check for example (ListBrowserExample.c.original for AmigaOS 3.x/m68k)
This Update adds the "-g" shell flag to open a window for scans from the shell.
Using flags like "-g" in the arguments is something used on DOS and Unix, but AmigaOS usually uses keywords instead. Check the dos.library AutoDoc function ReadArgs(), the RKRMs and it's example sources, etc. Something like "GUI/S" could be used with a ReadArgs() template instead of the "-g" flag. ... dard_Command_Line_Parsing has an example as well.