Since 1997 when i went to PC i was always dreaming of a new Amiga with Truecolor Workbench with high resolutions and no limitations like 2MB Chipram. Well, an Amiga with GFX-Card was no option for me then, because of no dragable screens and too slow CPUs.
When i hear from Amiga OS4.0 and new hardware i come back to Amiga scene.
Now i?m using my Sam440ep on daily usuage and told my girlfirend its more securer for homebanking (with owb) since we had a trojan horse on our pc. Sometimes she?s googling and surfing around and with amiga theres no security flaws because x86 trojans will not run on os4.1
I?m working as Notebook Technician in my job, so i?m pissed off to work with annoying slow windows at home! It?s a real enjoyment for me like taking a nice holiday trip when i switch on my Sam440ep and work/play with it.
My main resons for using it are:
- Fast response of the UI
- Intelligent Ram-Disk!
- fast boot/reboot
- Dragable Screens!
- Own Screen for every App if i want it to have a sober Workbench Screen
- I?m the King and not the OS!
- It doesn?t let me wait for minimalistic functions like open a drawer
- It doesn?t tell me "you have not the right to make this and that.."
- It?s easy to understand and to learn
- It?s easy to repair if something bad happen
- It doesn?t make annoying disc-accesses like windows all the time
- It?s lightweighted and programs start like a flash
- I don?t need it to shutdown, just swith off
- No annoying "wait for installing updates" during shutdown (i want to sleep NOW and not when windows tell me! I have to wait for it because i turn off all my computer equipment with a switchable power-plug for security reasons like Fire..etc)
- Great Community!
- No annoying Adverts in Freeware Programms like Messenger..etc
- I?m in love with the Workbench GUI and Concept since 1993, don?t tell this my wife
- It satisfied all my expectations
I use this tools:
- Ibrowse
- Simplemail
- DirOpus
- DV Player
- Amigaamp (for shoutcast streams)
- Tunenet (for Custom Amiga Modules)
- Photogenics 5
- Arteffect
- Cinema V4 Pro
- Cubic IDE (for PHP Coding and Webdesign)
- Amiphoto
- Digita Organiser
- Wordworth (for writing letters)
- AmiDVD (great small programm for buring CD and DVD)
- SabreMSN
- Alt-Tab-Switcher
- Eastern
And yes, if i work with Windows i will aged faster, when i work with Amiga i got and feel younger!
When i install OS4.1 my first time i was very excited, curious and happy like i was when i got my first amiga.
Amiga OS is really (good) for your heart and soul!
Edited by fingus on 2009/3/27 17:55:56
Edited by fingus on 2009/3/27 17:58:12
Edited by fingus on 2009/3/27 17:58:57
Edited by fingus on 2009/3/27 18:00:09
Edited by fingus on 2009/3/27 18:01:30
Edited by fingus on 2009/3/27 18:05:23
Edited by fingus on 2009/3/27 18:05:58
Edited by fingus on 2009/3/27 18:06:32