It is going to be even better from the far north of Scotland where I live
A pity it is not quite total, just that thin slither is more than enough to prevent the corona being seen.
It is still the best eclipse I can see without having to travel.
I just hope the weather is going to be better than it was for the 2003 annular eclipse [supposedly] visible from here. All we saw was extremely thick fog
A different eclipse. The 1999 one was only total from the very southwest tip of England, we went to Turkey for that one and got a much better view
The 2003 was partial for much of the UK and France but it was annular for the northern parts of Scotland. Or so I am told, the fog that morning was so thick you could not tell where the sun was even meant to be - a glorious day later as luck would have it !
The weather is not looking too good for tomorrow up here, it is cloudy but fingers crossed it may clear before the eclipse.
Here at Paris due to fog (and heavy pollution those last days) we cant even says where is the sun ... sad sad The sky looks like an uniform grey-white flat surface
Was really clear down here in SE Wales on the edge of the Severn estuary. I didn't have a filter and only my compact camera with me but managed to get an image by not pointing directly at the sun.
Wish I'd realised earlier because almost everything I took before it peaked was just a massive blob of light. Nevermind.
those of us in the americas had to make due with watching remote video and 'observing' via digital universe, which, by the way, remains far and away my favorite amiga software.
-- eliyahu
"Physical reality is consistent with universal laws. When the laws do not operate, there is no reality. All of this is unreal."
It's nice to see peoples pics with various techniques used to capture them. Particularly like the one taken through a floppy disk
We had a lovely clear sky for the duration of the eclipse down here in the far southwest of Cornwall. I sat outside and enjoyed the event, I have a rather red and hot mush now though, he he
I expect Stargazing-Live will have some good info and good footage of the eclipse later this evening.
Here in Copenhagen, there was no chance at all, totally cloudy.
Of course I already knew in advance it would be, so I time-lapsed the event in DU already last night and worked calmly at my desk at work during the actual thing this morning