about HW requirements...
When using quad core 1.33Ghz Intel BayTrail device, observed some things...
The performance is ok for firefox and chrome etc.
The performance is ok also for LibreOffice.
The performance is bad with Open Office.
IIRC, LibreOffice is being slowly ported to AOS4, so it should be ok to use on some 1.2Ghz device, especially with some help of other cores. Good that open office was not chosen.
When using web browsers I think java / java script JIT makes relatively slow intel chip perform ok. But timberwolf should be good to use at least on x5000 caliber HW, even without JIT.
For speedy experience, most likely CinnamonWriter etc. more "original" Amiga implementations are very welcome.
Sorry for about (almost) offtopic post.