It has come to my attention that some people are downloading AmiKit just to strip out my icons -- hopefully this will save them some time (plus, not all the icons are in AmiKit).
The link below is for everything I've painted so far. Not terriby organized -- and definitely a "work-in-progress" -- but they're all there.
OS3.x users: Install AfA now!! (otherwise, these will just look like ordinary single-state PNG icons) -- Plus, the AfA icon.library is faster than PowerIcons and adds OS4 icon compatibility.
OS4.x users: These require the PNG plugin.
AROS users: These "should" work, since they were painted using a port of YOUR icon.library -- Good luck!
I've got another 125-150 icons to go to finish AmiKit -- then I'll turn my attention to OS4 (IF I can get my hands on OS4, that is!)
Please note that I'm painting more icons every day, so this is a "temporary" download link -- I'll probably delete it very soon.