What settings should I use in Odyssey to get the seat selection to work?
It can be very well possible that you hit limitations of 7 years old core of WebKit which we have in current Odyssey and nothing can be done about currently.
Or try with some different Spoofing settings, maybe it will help. But don't hold the hopes, it may not as well.
1)kas1e already posted/replied, but if it happens again, just go to Prefs Spoofing as and make default to whatever useragent you want, and click SAVE
2)Well yes maybe is a bit strange, but as I took IBrowse as "reference" (THXaLOT Oliver Roberts).
In Prefs "Spoofing as" you select/make default useragent (on menu is "Default Setting") and the useragents you want to see/have on menu, Odyssey Web Browser is the only built-in and always enable/in menu. IIRC you can have a default useragent, that doesn't show in menu.
Then on menu you select the one you want to be used (normally "Default Setting"). But if a page doesn't wotk/look ok, you can choose other useragent from menu and when you "see/browse" such site correctly you could use the URL Preferences window and put such site and the choosen useragent that make such site work ok under odyssey.
Sorry if it confuses (the cat) such dirty explanation.
3)Haven't touched such part/env-var, so it still should work, but "better" use the spoofing list to create your own useragent.
and last but not least, keep the money or donate to a real amiga(os) programmer I just take snppets and glue'em together and amiga-magic makes the rest :-O
So test spoofing and if you get problems/bugs/whatever post here and will try to see what can be done.
@jabirulo Thanks for the work and the response. I just did some experimenting and it is just as you say. Here is a summary.
1. The preferences is just for setting up the menu selections and settign a default. It has no effect on the actual spoofing setting/string. It must be set from the spoofing menu.
2. The default Setting in the menu does one of two things depening on the OWB_USER_AGENT setting. If it's doesn't exist then "Defualt Setting" uses the default as set in preferences. If it does exist then "Default Settings" uses the OWB_USER_AGENT value for spoofing.
Not very intuitave but no different from the way is used to work before so Ok.
Very nice of you to give the effort. Thanks again.
@kas1e I've been trying Beta07 on varios sites and have received the same crash a few times. Seems like it could be Pixman library related. Haven't been able to track it to any specific sites yet. I'll work more on that when I have time....later. In the meantime, here is the crash log.
Crash log for task "Appdir:Odyssey"
Generated by GrimReaper 53.19
Crash occured in module kernel at address 0x0200D554
Type of crash: DSI (Data Storage Interrupt) exception
Alert number: 0x80000003
-- Added support for 4th and 5th mouse buttons for stepping backward (4th) and forward (5th) through the browser history. I.e same as in IBrowse.
Is there a way to disable this feature? I have one of those mouse buttons setup to flip screens. Now, if the Odyssey window is active when I press the button to flip screens, the Odyssey page flips back to the previous page as well.
I ran across this a couple of times while posting and lost all the text I had typed in the post because I didn't realize what was going on at first. It would be nice to be able to turn off this feature. Otherwise I'll need to change my mouse button actions and I really don't want to do that as I've grown so acustom to using them.
@ktadd Too many users asking for adding such feature for 4th and 5st mouse buttons .. But probabaly it should be configurable then, like "Middle Button Behaviour" in the prefs/interfeca, but for 4st and 5st buttons. Can made there by default as it now, but with possibility to change it between "none/back/forward"
Thanks for the new beta! Already enjoying the mouse button navigation, which I have been missing ever since the start of Odyssey/OS4.
About the spoofing prefs:
I had a few sites set up with specific spoofings in my URL prefs, but now they have defaulted back, because only the standard Odyssey selection is available until I create others in the prefs.
Problem is, I don't know what to set as User-Agent for them. Does anyone have the list of names and corresponding User-Agent strings for the ones that were available in previous versions?
Couldn't they have been pre-entered in the prefs so they were still available?
Or was there a file containing them? (I have looked for it in a backup, but not found it.)
@NBache As i say you should install beta7 to a fresh new directory, and then conf by conf update it if you wish from old install. In new one not only new pixman library come, but also useragent.prefs, which contain all the old spoofing string with the same names as before, and they looks the same in menu.
@All Recieved another report from another user, who find that "default setting" of spoofing behaviour ununtiutive and unlogical.
What about we just make it as ktadd say : removing it at all, and let the pref's spoofas default reflects in the menu ?
I.e. we can do it like this:
1. Remove "deafult settings" from spoof as menu. The preferences "default" will then reflect the actual default in menu and mark it.
2. Instead of "default settings" we create "environment seting". Then, that one will be marked, if OWB_USER_AGENT set or used.
And then everything clear and understandable.
Just as it now its really non-user logic, but programmer-reverse-logic :)
@Javier Quote:
IIRC you can have a default useragent, that doesn't show in menu.
Also, we can make that set "default' will automatically make it as "shown in the menu" , too.
I have a request too, continuing from Niels' comment.
Would it be possible to add the site to URL settings you are currently on?
In Windows/URL Settings... and then Add should add the current site or add a new button which explicitely says Add current
I get it that the latter would be more intruisvie and more work.
Yes, i know i can "simply" c&p the site address, but that's the easy way out.
Thanks for the heads up. URL settings was just what i was looking for after struggling with some site who refused to open an ASL requester on uploading files. Setting the spoof to "Odyssey browser" fixes it strangely.
1)Prefs SPOOF AS just let the user add useragents and from such list, then activate/enable the DEFAULT and let other be shown on the MENU.
2)The MENU has the list of SHOW IN MENU items from the list and let the user change the useragent to use to the site/web page is browsing.
By default the one selected is the DEFAULT in 1)
Maybe a little explanation/decription can be added to prefs SPOOF AS page, so if someone can elaborate a clear/easy/short explanation I'll add it.
EDIT: I won't deny is a bit compicated first, but thats how is/was implemented from beginning, I only added the option to add new useragents without a full recompile of Odyssey.
And we need spoofing, 'cos we use an old webkit engine IMHO, to fake sites/webs we use an "updated"/compatible web browser.
Then if a site/web doesn't load looks ok, then use MENU spoof list to use whatever useragent you want and reload page. When you find the "correct" useragent, then use URL PREFS. to indicate the URL and SPOOF to be used.
@Javier I still don't get it. And if i didn't get it , it mean casuall users will not too, and we need to do something about for sure. Name it differently, rework, or whatever.
1)Prefs SPOOF AS just let the user add useragents and from such list, then activate/enable the DEFAULT and let other be shown on the MENU.
Why we need that way ? Prefs SPOOF AS should let the user choice what they want right now, and "default" should be reflected in the menu. And that all. Other ones can be shown, or not shown, does not matter. Just if you set as default anything from the spoof preference, then it will be shown in the menu in any case.
2)The MENU has the list of SHOW IN MENU items from the list and let the user change the useragent to use to the site/web page is browsing.
Yes, and then we can made that if any entry was set as "default", then it will automatically be "show in menu" and can't be changed until default is set.
Then if a site/web doesn't load looks ok, then use MENU spoof list to use whatever useragent you want and reload page. When you find the "correct" useragent, then use URL PREFS. to indicate the URL and SPOOF to be used.
When you choice then any new "SPoof as", it then changes as expected in menu + change the default in the preferences until restart. And all logical then : everything reflect each other and all fine.
The DEFAULT is the "DEFAULT SETTINGS" in menu. I know you wan't that ex. I select Firefox3.6 as default in prefs spoof as, and then on menu Firefox3.6 shows selected/marked.
EDIT: BTW should URL PREFS useragents cyclegadget show all useragents, not just the one user selected to be shown on menu?
Will see if it could be changed to such mode/behaviour.
Just firstly we need to discuss it with everyone, so everyone agree before doing any changes :)
I know you wan't that ex. I select Firefox3.6 as default in prefs spoof as, and then on menu Firefox3.6 shows selected/marked.
Yeah, if we set "default" in the preferences of spoofing, then, that default can't be "not shown in menu" , but automatically always shown in menu.
Also, if we set in "spoof as" anything else, then, it also set "default" in the preference taking from menu, and keep it all like this till we restart (so back to saved default"), or press save sometime so it will remember our default.
Point is that we reflect default be it from prefs, or be it from spoof as.
And at then end of the spoof as list in menu, we change "default" on the "environment as default". So those who set environment for, will have it default only when it set.
That latest part need to discuss a bit more to find cleaner and clever way.
Ok, no problem, but I not sure if some change in MENU (javascript, images, spoof as,...) should change PREFS (window options), if it's that what you mean.
If you launch a pre beta07 version you should see those spoofing useragents in URL prefs. Then in beta07, just go to new prefs->SpoofingAs and enable (show in menu) those useragents that you have/use in URL prefs.
"Problem" is that url perfs (url.prefs file) only saves the index of the useragent not the full string.
Pre beta07 no problem, all was hardcoded into Odyssey and you couldn't change/add/remove spoof useragents.
So if you have a different "enabled" usersgentlist it will change/use the "enabled" useragent at index <number> of the list in prefs->SpoofingAs.
Just if you hex edit/view url.prefs (0x01 usezd as delimeter of each option): <url_pattern>0x01<javascript>0x01<images>0x01<plugins>0x01<useragent>0x01...
the 5th value/number after the <url_pattern> is the index of the useragent.
I have added for tests that (click to open in newtab for fullsize):
So for 4st and 5st buttons it have now such options "None", "Back through history" and "Forward through history".
Now questions:
1. is it enough to be like this ? 2. is naming of options ok ? 3. should't we add to 4st and 5st button behaviour the same options we had in middle mouse button behaviour , i.e. "new background tab", "new tab" and "new window" 4. should we add also to middle mouse button those new options as for 4st and 5st buttons, so all 3 buttons will have:
None New background tab New tab New window Back through history Forward through history
But i do not know if it really need to touch 3st button behaviour at all.
5. should't we put away those 3 mouse button settings out of general, so it will be like sub-groups "website icons" , "quick links" area, etc ?
All the suggestions ideas are welcome :)
@Javier Quote:
"Problem" is that url perfs (url.prefs file) only saves the index of the useragent not the full string.
If we have problem with it, maybe we need to update ulr.prefs too ? Or there is only problem if we use only old url.prefs ?