The task list is available here:
http://openamiga.org/?function=viewcomments&threadid=30"* File sizes always in bytes! Time with seconds! I can't live without this :("
Okey easy to add an option for that. Added to task list.
"* Right-clicking toolbar icons to get an alternative action. Especially Copy As (for Copy), Move As (for Move), and Duplicate (for Rename)."
Perhaps later, right clicking isn't supported by default in "reaction" GUI's so you have to do a few workarounds for detecting it (RMB Trap) and then write your own hook callback function for opening the window menu for the rest of the window. Plus it would require some major rewriting/redesigning of both the GUI itself and configuration. Adding (well rewriting rather than adding) this would have a very low priority at this point.
"* Drag and drop, including between Workbench & Filer. A temporary partial-solution would be to make each Filer window an "app window" (I think they already are?), and treat (Workbench) files dropped on them as copy/move operations, and (Workbench) folders dropped on them as "change to this folder" - or open a menu offering various options..."
Drag&drop isn't natively supported by "reaction" so I'm stuck on how to implement it. Being able to drag icons from workbench window is already planned.Well it's actually already implemented. I just haven't attached any specific function to it yet. The plan is to make the filer that you drag into copy the files/folders into the currently selected path.
I've submitted
this to Hyperion. Hopefully something will come out of it in future os releases/updates.
"* Keyboard shortcuts. Especially / for "go to parent folder", and - to "invert selection". Other possibilities: Amiga-R to rename."
I have keyboard navigation on the task list, you'd have to try that out once implemented and see if it works for you. I don't want to have several different overall methods though. The downside of showing an app to the public before it is fully done is that people have wildly different ideas of how things should be done so you end up having a lot of personalized options (On teh verge of having a ChrisH checkbox, followed by a Mike_C checkbox etc). I have to find a balance to this without pissing off too many people. People need to realize at some point that they actually Can learn other ways to do things :)
"* Activating a Filer window would make it the source, and the previous Filer window would become the destination, automatically."
Not going to happen. Being a huge Magellan fan I was also used to this function, but it actually just confused the user more than helped. I can't remember how many times I managed to copy/move files to the wrong destination because it didn't change the way I had anticipated. At this point it's too much work to implement compared to the actual benefit. Try using the app for a while and you'll notice that it's not so bad to be without it after a while.
"* ALL the menu options being available as button commands. Nearly there I think..."
I want to keep it in line with the rest of the workbench, not inventing my own hot keys for common functions. I haven't found any good source of information for this though, any ideas where I can find an "amiga standard" list that matches certain actions with hot keys?
"BTW, I did not like the default colours, so I changed them to be the same as OS4.1's default theme. Although your latest update makes it much easier to set them how you want (no need for editing the XML file or a decimal to hex conversion!), I could still provide this file if it would help."
That's what the configuration is for ;) I have no idea what colors Hyperion might select for future themes, and reading the color prefs for the standard workbench lister mode is not an option either. It's a non documented binary file (iff actually iirc from my previous investigations) that may change contents in the future.