@Templario Well, you made a fool of yourself trillions of times already, in this case once more because you didn't read something. Plus you didn't even mail me when you were told to do so. So that little ping in the Tower57 relnotes was well deserved. Live with it and change your attitude. And no, this does not excuse any of the constant repetetive nonsense you're spreading (see above), not just towards me btw.
@Daytona675x Do have read your comments before to write? That time you took advantage rage against me, and I have ad problems with you, but here I'm the bad and you are the good? or that you don't like the true and report the bugs in public, because you are the greater Amiga programmer that all make very good, the bad and bad programmers are people like me? You are a little racist.
@Templario LOL, wow, me a racist ! On what base is that bs claim again? Phew, you really are the most lost case I ever met.
you made a fool of yourself trillions of times already
Now we are at trillions + 1. And counting, I'd bet. And this better programmer thingy, hm, looks like you also got some pretty deep ego problems too. Needless to say, but I never talked about your coding qualitites ever. Care to quote me otherwise? Or is that just another of your projections?
And regarding my unbelievably arrogant intentions on getting bug reports by mail: how about this explanation here, you ... ( <- put adequate wording here by yourself). Although this kind explanation shouldn't have been necessary because it was all in the readme in the first place. But well, you and reading Trillions + 2, I'd say.
@Templario Well, your usual "poo"-output. But why in Spanish? I mean, I lived several years in Ecuador as a teen which is why Spanish is my sort-of 2nd mother language, so that's fine with me. But IMHO you should show at least some respect to the other readers here and stick to english. Trillions +3
And, who'd guess it: once more no quote or whatever to back your bs claims.
@Daytona675x Bien pues si hablas español será más fácil para mí, hablarte, sin que te rias constantemente de mí inglés básico, o de usar el Google translator. El del trillones de veces, yo puedo estar así toda la vida y tú?
@Templario Trillions +4 I never ever made any joke about your english. Care to quote me otherwise? But, to be honest: it doesn't matter if spanish or english - what I laugh about is the "content", not the form
@Daytona675x Vamos a ver, ahora, ni has hecho bromas sobre mí inglés, ni que hago juegos de mierda, ni que soy estúpido, vamos que lo he soñado todo, según tú, y tampoco es cierto que tú otro colega, me llamo en ruso tonto y cabrón, tambén lo habré soñado. Trillones+5.
@Templario Trillions +6 (that stuff counted for 2). And I still see no quotes, only blablabla. And regarding kas1e, although that's a totally different story: you were the first who came up with such nice words in spanish. And you were the one spreading VPDF lies about him. It's there for everybody to read.
ni has hecho bromas sobre mí inglés
Yep, still waiting a quote.
ni que hago juegos de mierda
Yep, still waiting a quote.
ni que soy estúpido
Oh, you are, no doubt on that. Could well be that I explicitly said so in one of our latest conversations.
@Daytona675x I knew too much people during my life like you, they confuse the hobbies with a private property, and or you are with them against them, no criticism, be careful what you say or do. All this begun with your commentary in the txt and the amigaworld forum, but instead of admit it was wrong, tthe guilty is mine, pardon, for that report, I shall no do any more. And pardon for breathing too.
@Daytona675x Yes, but I explain the Hocicon word, because what was your answer? with contempt. About your friend, well, I don't like the situation with the bounty not for the money, in the Amiga forums, there are people that lynched a friend of mine for less, and he did the game. About my games, yes, I know that they are great thing, but the time and work that it have, I always value the games, tools, programs, ports that the people make, for time, etc, and more when they make this free.
@Templario Please, instead of adding more word-bubbles (and no, I don't mean the english form), why not simply link to quotes of me which backup any of the bs you are claiming? Can't be that hard. And no, now trying to link and excuse any of your countless bs claims to the well deserved Tower57 relnotes entry won't work. But we had that before already.
And no, now trying to link and excuse any of your countless bs claims to the well deserved Tower57 relnotes entry won't work. But we had that before already.
What? No te entiendo, I don't understand you, I did the report with the best intention instead of mail I wrote in that forum, and I have ask forgiveness where you ridiculed me, but really?
Is it maybe pathological? Boy, I even made a list for you for a start some lines above, here. And there's also this one which you carefully ignored too, of course. Oh, and let's not forget your lovely racist claim. There's more but backing those would be a good start.
The txt of Tower 57, I can't found it.
Facepalm x 2. The first for not being able to find the snippet which you recently brought on the table yourself. And the second for the fact that I never said that I didn't write it. Yes, I put your name in the T57 relnotes and you deserved it. But no, that's not what you are supposed to search for.
Que quieres que busque foro por foro?
I don't care how you prove your claims. You came up with those, now it's your turn to back'em up. Your problem.
Still waiting.
EDIT: that guy just wrote me a PM with the subject "eres muy tonto" I deleted it without further reading.
Edited by Daytona675x on 2020/9/14 13:18:52 Edited by Daytona675x on 2020/9/14 13:22:21
"almost finished" he's been saying that for 5 years. I can't even believe he came back on here with this attitude and berated customers. Its amazing. How much money did this guy collect for this? Its a DISGRACE
Hey Daytona
Guess what? your shitty shady attitude is now going to prevent honest, humble devs from getting backing with any pre order plans. Great job.