And if they can get permission to include it (or the necessary parts) with their product, then end-users have no problems.
Think as 3d party dev: you want to write some program, you choose what classes to use, choice AEON ones, boring to register/download, ok, done that. Then you wrote the program, and you need to TOUCH WITH MATTEW! Who for any reasons not very often (or often not) answering. You need to write a few times, maybe do phone calls, etc. And, it's not 100% clear then will they agree to distribute their classes with your program or not. One more boss at the top :) And they will think if agree or not to use those classes in your apps :) Some devs will not works like this, 100%.
But maybe this is done to avoid Hyperion include AEON's classes into OS4 for example, or make a protect so Hyperion's OS4 components will not use them in any way as well.
And in the case of Hyperion's SDK, we have one single site with everything tied to Hyperion where we download everything. But in the case of AEON, how many sites there? 10? AEON one, amispehere, amistore, amiwhatelse, for every program different sub-site with a different name. Personally, I lost long ago what and where I register and what my accounts for and is :)
Maybe there just no way to fix that mess better than that, dunno.
But surely, if things should be getting from the official site of AEON, then this part should be easy as possible: there should be just one single AEON site, with everything on it, without any amistories, amisphere,amicremies. But...
Anyway, don't want to be one who is whining all the time and not **banana** :) Hope I wrong and there will be devs who will happily use those classes.
First thank you for supporting community, this Enhancer Core was really a nice surpise.
I have Enhancer packages already, but just wanted to check the AmiSphere login for a while - when I login I get empty page with A-EON top bar telling my username: xxxxxx and nickname: and edit profile-link and some credits that I have at AmiStore... but I just cannot see anything to download.
Maybe a small note to users that 'please register the product to see it under downloads' might help, I actually had to open the PC as I thought my x5000 Odyssey had issues - but no it was just stupid user issue :)
Anyway as I had AmiSphere open I tried once again register my Personal Paint (I ordered few years back from AmigaKit) - but serial just doesn't work - whom I should contact to get updates for this PPaint CD - version? I've got one response so far just telling 'please login and register the product', but that just doesn't work...
But in the case of AEON, how many sites there? 10? AEON one, amispehere, amistore, amiwhatelse, for every program different sub-site with a different name. Personally, I lost long ago what and where I register and what my accounts for and is :)
I am sorry, this is sensationalist and inaccurate. Your post will cause confusion by writing this.
There is one login system for A-EON's downloads: it is AmiSphere. The very same login works with AmiStore, A-EON, and the Updater tool. All of them use the AmiSphere Server where the files are stored. So as a user you just need to remember your AmiSphere username and password.
The vast majority of active OS4 users now login to AmiSphere regularly and have an account so it is no problem so login to download software. Registration can mean that the tool can keep user's hard drive up to date with the latest classes as we release them.
I was actually quite happy about the announcements, the Enhancer Core available immediately gives me hope that 2.0 release will also come in promised schedule...
A1222, well - everyone expects to see it as soon as possible...
Thanks everyone involved - at least I'm excited for the next few months...(again) :)
I mean, what components exactly coming to Hyperion? As of late, they got rights to "Reaction", but it just a name probably or just some set of classes coming by default with os4.
Then p96 I remember too. But as of late, it ditched anyway, and keeping only for backward compatibility inside of graphics.library.
There is also: Workbench, DOS, graphics, set of modules to load (drivers and stuff), Sirion for USB, AmiDock, AmigaInput, lot of other components anyway, with authors of which there probably some agreement for a long period and which they can't sell for time being.